Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Last One!

Well, this is the last email I will send as a missionary. That's kind of sad and exciting to say. Sad because it has come to an end. But exciting because I am about to start a new stage of my life. 

I had my last interview with President Cook, and it was weird. Tomorrow we will go to the temple with President and his wife to the session before we go home. Everything is kind of weird because it all seems surreal. It still seems like I will have another P Day and that I will also keep working next week. It seems just like when I first got out here to the mission. It just felt unreal. 

But what doesn't feel real is my testimony. I feel like it is really strong. And I feel like it is real. I've felt like it's gotten a lot stronger and a lot more solid. I have felt really good while I have been out here. Looking back it's crazy to see the difference my mission has had on my life. It's really crazy to see all the changes.

But I know that this church is true. I know that The Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ happened thanks to a young man without an education that had a simple question. "Which is the church of Christ?" And that he asked it and this young man, Joseph Smith, saw God and Jesus Christ in a vision. That they told him that none was, and then called him to be a Prophet in our times. I know that this Gospel changes lives and that we can become pure by the Gospel of Christ. I know that he loves us and suffered for us and then died so that we can return to our Father in Heaven.

I'm excited to hear from everyone and see you all again. Thanks for the prayers that have been given for me while I have been here. Thanks for all your support and I will be home in 6 days!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


My second to last P Day. It's going by fast, and it's been kind of a crazy week. There was a huge earthquake in the North of Chile that was about 8.3 on the Richter's scale. But here in Santiago, it was only about a 6. something. But it was still pretty big. We were just about to go into a house and we felt the ground start to move and move and move. It was really weird. I could feel the earth move back and forth and back and forth. It was kind of crazy. Then while we were inside, we felt it again. It was kind of crazy, that was the strongest I've ever felt it. It was nuts. I guess, from what we've heard, that the North is doing okay. Hopefully it is. But we've felt a lot of replicas and they've also been strong. There has been about like 300 something the last time I heard, so that's really crazy.

Also, this week was the 18th of September, which is when Chile celebrates their Independance Day! Which means a lot of parties! Which wasn't that good for working, but still we had a good week. We were able to go to the ward activity for a few hours and it was a lot of fun. I took a lot of videos about the Cueca and stuff. But it was a lot of fun! We ate a lot of food and were able to build our relationship with a lot of people, so it was great!

So the work this week was kind of slow, and we weren't able to do much. Today I am going around to 2 of my old sectors to say goodbye to people, but unfortunately I'm not finding too many people in their houses. This sunday we have a devotional to see people who can come from our old sectors to be able to say goodbye to people, so I hope to see them. But we'll see. 

I'm excited going into this last week and a half, but I'm also anxious. There's a lot of work to do still, and I hope to be able to do it good. I love you all and I will report in next week!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Well, here is my 3rd to last P Day. Crazy right? I feel like especially this last change has gone crazy fast. 

Anyway this last week was pretty crazy. September 11th here is nuts, but for different reasons that in the states. They remember the time when Chile was under a dictator's rule. So the 11th everyone goes nuts and there's a lot of violence. So again, this year we stayed in again just like last year. This year was really cool because we didn't do much of anything really. We just chilled around and had a fun day. So that was cool!

Anyway so something cool that happened this week is we went over to Javier's place and taught him. He is so prepared. He is really into it. He came to church again last week and loved it! That fast that we did really worked out!

And then today, we went around a huge chunk of Santiago just looking for souvenirs. It was really fun and I got just about all that was on my list. That's the picture I took of it!

Attachments area
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Wednesday, September 9, 2015


This has been an interesting week. We've had a good time so far, but it's kind of eh. It's  been kind of a hard week. But really great testimony builder about fasting this week.

Well Saturday we started our fast, and decided to fast for a few reasons, but the main one being to find new people. So we started. And the next day at church, we were sitting in Gospel Principles class, and a brother from the other ward in our chapel comes and takes out me and my comp and he says that there is an investigator in their meeting who lives in our ward and wants us to pass by his house. We went to talk with him, and he is dating a member, and we was really excited for us to go by!

And then yesterday we went to his house, and he is super prepared. We got there and he offered us a hot chocolate and drank one too because he said that he had already stopped drinking coffee! That's sick! We were so stocked leaving that place. It is so awesome!

So we had a really great testimony builder about fasting! We had a really great experience!

Anyway here are our pictures. The first one is a jersey I found in a street vendor's spot. It was 2 bucks.

And the second one was last night for Elder Llacza's birthday. Good kid.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Well this week went okay. It was kind of a long week. We did a lot of walking and a lot of contacting. It was kind of rough actually, but it turned out okay. We didn't end up teaching as much as we had planned, but it did turn out alright. 

What I am excited about is my District. It's a really good district. I have a good group of hard working missionaries, and I really like them all. I think we are going to have a great change together. I already taught my first district class and I think it went really well, so I'm excited about it.

Unfortunately, the summer is kicking in, and technically we aren't out of winter yet. The temperatures are soaring and we are already dying. I don't want to even imagine what the actual summer is going to be like.

But any
way, the most notable thing that happened this week was when I had the "Perserverar Hasta el Fin" meeting. Or "Endure to the end" with President and Sister Cook. It's basically the meeting that we have right at the beginning of our last change in the mission. It's basically where President just gives everyone a bunch of energy to start this last change. I'm not too worried about it. I think I'll be fine.

But that's about it. Although we did have fun last night. That's the first picture. We ordered sushi and had a little fire out in the back yard.

And then today we went bowling to celebrate Elder Noriega and Elder Bennion's birthdays.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Exciting Week

Well this has been quite the exciting week. We've been doing really well, I absolutely love this sector. It's a bummer I didn't come here sooner, but that's all right. God knows why I'm here now. But anyway, good week. We've been teaching a lot and we have a lot of people who are progressing. 

Especially a woman named Claudia. Her son was baptized 6 months ago and is super active, and we've been working with her. She has gone to church almost every week for about 2 months, so we are hoping that she will keep progressing really well!

Something that I didn't expect this week. I got called as a District Leader for my last change, so that was the last thing I was expecting. I really have no idea what I'm doing, but here we go. I have 2 sets of elders and the Zone Leaders in the District, so wish me luck. 

We've been contacting and working hard, trying to keep going. That's all there really is for this week, and I'm sure there will be more for next week!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Crazy special change this past week. Well yesterday really. Yesterday I left San Bernardo and I am now in the Sector Los Carolinos, in the Stake El Bosque. We knew for a little bit that it was going to happen. But we were a little sad. It is a little stinky because this is my last change in the mission. And I am going to finish in a ward for one change. But I am really excited! It is going to be cool! I am really excited for this sector! From what I have seen it is really good!

I am with Elder Noriega from Utah. His parents are from Mexico, and he speaks spanish really well. He's a really good guy, and I am excited to work with him. It's going to be a good change! He just finished his training, so he is fresh with energy and super ready to work! I am super excited! Here's a picture of him.

Inline image 1

So we'll see how this new sector and last change goes. I am excited. It was a little hard to leave Elder Corbo. He is a really good guy and I'll miss him a lot. The thing that kind of stunk was that I was only in that sector for less than 3 months, so I didn't have enough time to really get to know everyone. But San Bernardo is a really good ward. I'll miss it a lot.

But anyway, some other pictures. Just to show, this is all of the Area Books that we have in this sector. So much work has been done and missionaries have been here for so long, that all of these are just full. It's kind of crazy.

And this is Hermano Sergio. He was our Ward Mission Leader. He is a great guy. I am going to miss him!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


This has been a very interesting week. First of all starting with Thursday. Thursday it started to rain really hard. So, to make a long story short. We got home for a few seconds after lunch on Thursday to pick up something, and then we saw a lot of water on the floor. Those were just a few drops, but then we went into our bedroom, where the 4 of us had our bunk beds. And we see that the roof above us had accumulated so much water, that it could burst in any minute.... So we spent almost all Thursday trying to move the bunk beds into our living room so they didn't get soaking wet. It was fun.... Not really. But that's the only problem we had from the rain.

But other than that it was an interesting week. We've been trying to work really hard. We know we don't have too much time left in the sector, so we have been trying to work hard to get the last little bit out of it that we can. We've been contacting a lot and it's been kind of rough. It is definitely the hardest sector I've ever been in. But I have learned a lot because of being here.

One of the biggest things I have learned here is that even though progress or work might be slow, if we keep working, something will happen. It might be really hard and we might go crazy, or better said drive ourselves crazy. But If we keep pushing, something will happen. We can never see what might happen just a little bit further down the road. If we give up right now, we might never be able to see what might have happened had we just kept going a little bit further. Let's keep working! Let's keep going!

Anyway,the first picture is the room we had our beds in, we had to move them.

The second is the disorder we had the living room in while we tried to fix it all.

And today we went Bowling. It was really fun!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


This has been a good week. We had quite a few great, interesting things happen this week! 

Well to start off we were able to give on of the first Spanish lessons taught in Chile (hahaha) to Jimmy and Dalen, the Haitian investigators. They are progressing well and are commited to come to church this week. And they asked us for help in Spanish! Hahaha it was really funny!

The first really cool thing was what we taught to a part member family. Pablo and Estefany. They are from Uruguay, and they are great! They have 2 little girls and they are awesome too! So we decided we were going to try to teach the Restoration in a way that they could really understand.
So we took 3 candles and put them on a plate, and we taught a little bit about prophets and dispensations and stuff, until we got to the Earthly Ministry of Jesus Christ. And when we taught about the establishment of Christ's church, we lit the 3 candles. One for the 12 Apostles, one for the Priesthood, and then one for the Revelation necessary for Christ to guide his church after his death. 
Then we talked about the Apostasy. When Christ died, he still lead his church through the Revelation to his apostles. But when the Apostles died, so did the church, and we blew our the candles. The room we were in went dark.
But as we explained the Restoration, and the First Vision of Joseph Smith, we were able to light the 3 candles again! Because through Joseph Smith 12 Apostles were called, the Priesthood was restored, as was the Revelation. And as we lit the candles again, the room lit up. It was really clear! They understood it really well! It was all around a great experience!

Then on Saturday, we were able to take a lot of investigators on a tour of the Temple in Santiago. It went really well! Of the 5 people that went, 2 are sure to get married in order to get baptized, one had recieved his answer and wants to get baptized and our investigator Julio is keeping his commitments and has shown interest in being baptized! It was incredible! We were able to go into the front doors of the temple into the reception area and be a few minutes in silence! And the Spirit was incredible! It was so cool! The first picture I put there is a foto of all of us who went on the tour!

So overall a great week!

And then the other picture is of me giving my Zone Leader a hair cut! Haha, it actually turned out all right. Another thing I've learned here on the mission.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


This was an interesting week. Nothing to special or crazy happened. Other than we had a cute little puppy that followed us around all day the other day and it was really hard to ditch it so that it could find a real home. 

But other than that nothing crazy or out of the ordinary happened. Which was interesting because while I thought about it, I realized that that's okay, because even though I didn't see any great "miracle," I still feel good because I was able to share a little bit with people. I can't even say that everyone I shared my testimony with wanted to listen or wanted to learn more, or that it caused them to change. But I felt really good working and sharing it. I talked to my comp about it too. He felt the same way. We aren't seeing any success that makes the whole world change, but we personally feel great for serving the Lord.

I think I am finally coming to understand when everyone talks about us "sowing seeds." That we might not see a lot of growth or anything like that. But the few words that I say to the guy on the corner, or even to the guy that leaves his house screaming at us to leave him alone, just might be the thing that causes them to change in 10 or even 20 years down the road. So I'm finally starting to get it. That doesn't mean that I remember it every day that's hard, but that's something new I learned this week. So it was a good week.

But anyway, we had a fun P Day today. We had a ping pong tournament and ate tacos. It was good!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Hey guys, hope everthing has been going good. I tried to start the letter home this week a little bit different, because I realized I probably start every letter off the same way. But anyway,

This week was a good week. We had some good work to do, and it was great! We've been working hard and we're trying to get ahead and do well and stuff, but it does feel like sometimes sowing seeds happens a lot more than the harvesting here. But we're used to that. We've got to just keep going ahead and working hard.

But actually Sister Cook, President's wife, talked about that yesterday in a Zone Conference that we had. I think she gave us all a lot of what we needed to hear. She talked a lot about putting good goals, and how to reach them. She talked about having the desire to reach them, and the effort that we put into it. It actually made me think of a Tim Mcgraw song that says,
"How bad do you want it? How bad do you need it? Are you eating, sleeping, dreaming with that one thing on your mind?"
I liked it. It's a question I asked myself. How bad do I want it? It gave me a lot of drive this last little bit and me think a lot!

And then today was really fun! We went to play soccer, but we were able to bring our Haitian investigator. His name is Jimmy. He's a great guy. Really cool. But he was really excited to come and play soccer with us.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


This has been quite the week! A few exciting things to write about.

Well as of Monday started a new change. Time has gone by so fast that I didn't even realize to mention that last week. I stayed in San Bernardo with Elder Corbo. But Elder Curtis left the house. So it's me, Corbo, Elder Zazueta and his new comp Elder Torres, from Argentina. He is actually getting here from my 2nd sector, Covarrubias. So it's going to be a good change!

This last week was really good too! We all got together as a mission to watch the Funeral for Elder L. Tom Perry. That was a really good experience. Elder Perry with be greatly missed as an apostle. He was a great teacher and we could all learn a lot from him.

Then later this week, we were contacting a few houses and we found a family from Haiti. It was really cool! We were able to go back another day and share something with them. It was interesting and really hard. They have only been here for a year, so their spanish isn't that good. They speak a little bit of english, and that isn't that much either. Being from Haiti, they speak best French. So, I talked to the mission office and I got 2 copies of the Book of Mormon in french. "Le Livre de Mormon." One for them, and one for me! I decided to start studying my 3rd language. French. I know I'm not going to be fluent, but I'm going to try to at least familiarize myself with the language to help them out!

And the last crazy thing... A lot of Elders and Sisters went home this past week. Like a lot. For example, Elder Purnell, Elder Mcmullin, and 3 of my old District Leaders. That's nuts! It really makes me sad to think about it. But they all went home. It's kind of a bummer because I only got the chance to see Elder Purnell right before he left. But, still. I hope they all got home well and that it's going well for them.

There is the last picture of me and Elder Purnell as missionaries.

There are the 3 languages I'm hoping to be familiar with when I get home.

And then today for P Day we went to a huge hill in the middle of the city to see it. There is a really cool castle to see on the way up.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Copa America!

This week was AWESOME! We got permission to see the Final of the Copa America! It was a good game and everyone is excited because Chile won! Everyone except my companion haha. But it was a good game! A bummer that it went to penalties, but a good game! We had a good time watching it too! It was great because now everyone in the streets and everyone we contact are all super happy! Helps a little bit with contacts!

But the rest of the week has been good too! We are finding a few people and stuff.

But this last week was special for Chile in another way too! The Area Presidency asked everyone in Chile to dedicate the fast this month to ask for rain for the places like Santiago that haven't had rain all year. And so they did it. Everyone was fasting for that purpose. The Testimony meeting Sunday was very spiritual. Really it was special because everyone who went up expressed their faith and feelings about the fast. And then at lunch we were all talking about it, and then we heard the *tick tick tick* of rain. It had worked! It rained a little bit on Sunday, but not very much. But there is rain in the forecast! So we are hoping for it!

So anyway. I've got 2 pictures this week. One is me and my companion after the game hahaha.

             And the other is our house eating pizza. It was reaaally good!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Chile is doing great in the American Cup! And we're hearing all about it! It was a blast seeing the game with the zone! It was a pretty good game too. But it was really fun. I'll send a picture of it. But Argentina is Argentina, so we'll see.

The weeks are getting better here. We aren't finding loads of people like we did in my last sector, but those that we have found or those that we were teaching are a little bit more consistent with appointments and progressing a little bit more. So we are pretty pumped about that!

I gave a talk this week and I liked the theme. It was that "The Gospel Blesses the Families."  The bishop explained that that is one of the most important things about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but that a lot of times, we usually tend to forget to touch it during lessons as missionaries. Or I mean when we do touch it, we could spend all day on it, but we usually just give it a little bit of time and move on. But I really enjoyed this talk. I focused it on the Gospel, but also on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. And my last point is found in Doctrine and Covenants 130:2 which says

"And that same sociality which exists among us here will exist among us there, only it will be coupled with eternal glory, which glory we do not now enjoy."

I think that was my favorite point.That the families can be together forever, because thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, he's made it possible!

So it was a good week! So these are the fotos this week...

Everyone watching the game.

Me and Corbo after the game. 

And we couldn't see the game on Monday, but we are showing our pride anyway... Just don't tell Corbo's family because they might get mad haha.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Copa América

Well  I won't have much time on the computer today, and there will be no pictures because everything is closing early due to the Chilean game. Chile vs. Uruguay.... Everyone will be watching...... Including US! President gave us special permission to start our P Day late and then watch the Chilean game! Soo our P Day is just starting and we are going to be watching the game! Super stoked about that one!

Last week was really hard, and this week too, but it's getting better. We have been doing a TON of contacts, but it is working out okay. We are finding a few people. And we are getting blessed for it. For example, yesterday we taught 3 lessons in one day, that's the first time that's happened in this sector. One of those were really awesome too! We taught a woman named Adriana. She has never sat down and talked to the Missionaries, so she has a lot of questions and wanted to know a lot of stuff. Actually, she studied in an LDS Church funded school a long time ago when there was one in Santiago, so she remembers some stuff. But she was super excited to learn more!

So we have been having a great time! That helped us out a lot! That and we are getting almost kicked off the computer because the owner wants to start his barbeque for the game! Hahaha

Have a good week everyone!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


La Copa América has taken it's toll. That's right, we are in the first rounds, and it isn't the most fun. Everyone is SO focused in on it, because it is happening here in Chile. But it hasn't been that much of a problem, not quite as much as the World Cup last year. The rules are just like the World Cup. We can't watch any games expcept for the ones on P Day (but there aren't any) and we have to be inside during the Chilean games. So it isn't that much of a hastle. But still. Even though we can't see the games, everyone lets us know anyway. So we know the results. It is kind of a distraction, but we are just going through it. Nothing else we can do.

We haven't had the best week this week. But we've been learning a lot. It's been going okay. We've done a lot of contacts. This sector is really small, so most of the people here have listened or talked to the missionaries before. So not everyone is interested. But we are still contacting a bunch. There used to be a lot of people to teach, but no one really progressed. So we haven't been passing by a lot. 

But it's going good and we are still having fun. 

Anyway this week while we were in the house, for the Chile game, Elder Zazueta made tacos, so we ate a bunch of tacos! 
They were so good! 
Tacos with Guacamole!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


End of the first week in a new sector, and it was great! It was so awesome to begin a new sector and just have all the energy to work! That and I am getting along great with my new companion. 
Elder Corbo is doing well too, and we are having a lot of fun! He is a riot! We work hard and we have a lot of fun doing it! We are enjoying the sector, even though it is a little harder than my other ones. The people in general aren't quite as receptive right off the bat, 
but it's been going well.

We taught a really good lesson this week! I liked it a lot! I had taught it before but this had a different effect that the last time, and I hope the missionaries where you all live try it one day in the future because that would ruin the surprise. 

The lesson goes with a scenario. Let's say we went to Europe in vacation and in a plane. The plane starts to have a malfunction and just in case, the pilot has everyone write a small note to their families in case the worst comes. So we all had 3 minutes to write a small note to our families, and the notes all get guarded in the safe box. 

Then we explained how important the Book of Mormon is. How the Book of Mormon is just like those notes we had just written. They are very important so that we all could know about God and How much God loves us. We used the scripture Jacob 4:1-3 which explains about it.

Then we continued with the scenario, that the rescuers get to the crashed plane and find the safe box. The examine what there is inside, important documents and other stuff, but when they see the notes, they don't see the value that they have, so they rip them up and throw them away. I bet we would all be pretty mad at that! THe same thing happens when we don't read the Book of Mormon. We don't give it the value it deserves. So that's the qustion... Are we giving the Book of Mormon the value it deserves?

But other than that, we had a great week! I hope everything is good at home!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Well, I got changes this week. I got changed out of Pedro Aguirre Cerda to San Bernardo, in the San Bernardo Stake. It is quite a big change! Super big! I was in the center of the mission, and now I am in the most southern Zone of the mission! It is a huge change. Well distance wise it isn't that far. About half an hour in car, but it's a big change! In the people and where I am at. In Pedro Aguirre Cerda, I was in a part of the city called La Pintana, which is one of the more crazy parts. But now it's worlds apart. Really nothing happens. The mission office is actually in my chapel, so we are in one of the most peaceful parts of the mission. Which might be a little hard ha ha. No one is ever in the streets, so contacts aren't as easy. In my last sector, there were always people in the streets. But last night at 9:30, when we would usually just walk and talk to the people in the street, it was a ghost town. But it will just be a different style of work. I'm really excited to start a new sector and I have a bunch of energy coming into this change!

My new comp is Elder Corbo. He's from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He seems like a great guy! I'm greenie breaking again. He just got out of his training. He had a really good trainer! And he has a lot of energy to work and I think we are going to work really well together!

Well, super excited to start!

Anyway, I have some pictures.... This is my new comp, Elder Corbo. We played soccer today.

That's a map of my last sector.

And that's the bishop and his family. I really liked him. 
He is such a hard worker. 
Obispo Cerda.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

This has been a super good week! This past week was Week number 5 of the change, or the transfer I don't how they call it up there. So today that just past was the last P-Day of this change. So next Tuesday I could be moving sectors. Which is nuts because this last change has passed really fast. Elder Paz goes home on Tuesday! It's crazy to see how fast the time goes by. I only have 3 changes left. It's the end of the 7th inning stretch, the 4th quarter, the most important time in the ball game. The make it or break it! And I'm going to make it! Ain't no time for being Trunky!

But like I was saying, this was a really good week! We had a blast working! We have been doing a lot more teaching and a lot less walking. But that's good because all those contacts that we have been doing are actually showing, and we are teaching more. It's been awesome!

One of our best lessons this week, the one in which I learned the most and felt the biggest spirit, was with a less active member. Her name is Claudia. She is awesome! She showed up at church one day and asked us to come by and teach her so she can retake the church again. She wants to do everything and be active again. She's almost there, she just is missing a little more time. But anyway we were talking about the Plan of Salvation, specifically about the Spirit World and the Resurrection. And we read the Scripture John 20 :15-16, which says... 

 "15 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be thegardener, saith unto him,Sir, if thou have borne himhence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I willtakehim away.

 16 Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, andsaith unto him, Ra-bboni; which is to say, Master."

And we talked about how great that is. "Woman, why weepest thou?" I love that because Mary Magdalene thought that someone had robbed the body of Jesus. But the question that Jesus asks can be used to understand that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is something happy, and so will ours. I know how true that is, and how happy we will be to be resurrected and see all our loved ones!

Anyway, today we played soccer and the stake center, but Elder Tafur hasn't sent everyone the foto yet, so maybe next week I'll have it.

And then today's picture is an awesome graffitti that we found in the sector. It says "Brava Raza" which is like a saying here in chile about the people. It means something like "A Brave Race"

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

This week went really well. Our sector is starting to take off! We have found a lot of new people and it is really exciting for us! Ever since the division of the sector we have been contacting like crazy, and it has been awesome because we have found so many people. We are pretty sure that we have almost contacted our whole sector. But we have found a lot of new people!

This last Sunday we had our stake conference and it was really awesome! We were able to get Daniel, a less active, to take us and 2 other less active members who are trying to come back to church. So in all we went with 3 less actives and had a few more people that we work with there. It was a really spiritual meeting. President Cook and Hermana Cook spoke, along with a few more people from the stake. After the meeting, everyone who came with us to the conference commented on how spiritual it was and how good they felt listening to it! I was really glad to be able to go with them!

A really cool guy we started to teach is named Dogaberto. We found him last Saturday. Anyway we went back to his house and started talking about the Book of Mormon. We had left him with one the first time we met him, so he would be able to read it. We asked him if he had any questions, and he said yes. He opened up his book to read the question that he had, and I though it would be in the introduction or something like that. But he opened up to 1 Nefi 2! He had read all the way through to there! It was so awesome! We are really excited to have known him!

Today my comp and I went to a place in the center called Plaza de Armas where there is a huge park. This was a statue I thought was cool!

And then after we went to eat fried chicken in Popeye's! 
It was SOOOO good! 
Fried chicken and Biscuits!