Wednesday, August 12, 2015


This has been a very interesting week. First of all starting with Thursday. Thursday it started to rain really hard. So, to make a long story short. We got home for a few seconds after lunch on Thursday to pick up something, and then we saw a lot of water on the floor. Those were just a few drops, but then we went into our bedroom, where the 4 of us had our bunk beds. And we see that the roof above us had accumulated so much water, that it could burst in any minute.... So we spent almost all Thursday trying to move the bunk beds into our living room so they didn't get soaking wet. It was fun.... Not really. But that's the only problem we had from the rain.

But other than that it was an interesting week. We've been trying to work really hard. We know we don't have too much time left in the sector, so we have been trying to work hard to get the last little bit out of it that we can. We've been contacting a lot and it's been kind of rough. It is definitely the hardest sector I've ever been in. But I have learned a lot because of being here.

One of the biggest things I have learned here is that even though progress or work might be slow, if we keep working, something will happen. It might be really hard and we might go crazy, or better said drive ourselves crazy. But If we keep pushing, something will happen. We can never see what might happen just a little bit further down the road. If we give up right now, we might never be able to see what might have happened had we just kept going a little bit further. Let's keep working! Let's keep going!

Anyway,the first picture is the room we had our beds in, we had to move them.

The second is the disorder we had the living room in while we tried to fix it all.

And today we went Bowling. It was really fun!

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