Wednesday, May 20, 2015

This week went really well. Our sector is starting to take off! We have found a lot of new people and it is really exciting for us! Ever since the division of the sector we have been contacting like crazy, and it has been awesome because we have found so many people. We are pretty sure that we have almost contacted our whole sector. But we have found a lot of new people!

This last Sunday we had our stake conference and it was really awesome! We were able to get Daniel, a less active, to take us and 2 other less active members who are trying to come back to church. So in all we went with 3 less actives and had a few more people that we work with there. It was a really spiritual meeting. President Cook and Hermana Cook spoke, along with a few more people from the stake. After the meeting, everyone who came with us to the conference commented on how spiritual it was and how good they felt listening to it! I was really glad to be able to go with them!

A really cool guy we started to teach is named Dogaberto. We found him last Saturday. Anyway we went back to his house and started talking about the Book of Mormon. We had left him with one the first time we met him, so he would be able to read it. We asked him if he had any questions, and he said yes. He opened up his book to read the question that he had, and I though it would be in the introduction or something like that. But he opened up to 1 Nefi 2! He had read all the way through to there! It was so awesome! We are really excited to have known him!

Today my comp and I went to a place in the center called Plaza de Armas where there is a huge park. This was a statue I thought was cool!

And then after we went to eat fried chicken in Popeye's! 
It was SOOOO good! 
Fried chicken and Biscuits!

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