Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Well, this week was the Skype home. My last one which is crazy to think about. I'm getting to the final stretch. But here we are in Santiago Sur. There is still plenty of time to work. The Skype was really awesome! I didn't realize how big everyone's gotten since I've been out here! But it was good to see my family.

Anyway, this week was really good! It was really awesome to work this week. We are doing really well, and all the contacts that we are doing are really starting to help us out. We are finally getting people to teach, and after a long period of not teaching too much, we are getting there. Things have started to pick up again, and we are hoping that this week keeps going like that.

We are really excited because Daniel is progressing a lot. I don't know if you remember Daniel. We started teaching him when Elder Ahlstrom first got to the sector. He was really looking to just know what was the truth. He was less active at the time we met him. But now he has come back to church 2 and we are hoping to start working with the rest of his family!

Anyway for some pictures this week. This first one is pretty cool. It's a picture of a spider that we found in the chapel. Just HUGE!

And then I thought this was funny. They love American things so much down here, that we found Elvis Presley playing Poker hahahahaha.

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