Wednesday, May 27, 2015

This has been a super good week! This past week was Week number 5 of the change, or the transfer I don't how they call it up there. So today that just past was the last P-Day of this change. So next Tuesday I could be moving sectors. Which is nuts because this last change has passed really fast. Elder Paz goes home on Tuesday! It's crazy to see how fast the time goes by. I only have 3 changes left. It's the end of the 7th inning stretch, the 4th quarter, the most important time in the ball game. The make it or break it! And I'm going to make it! Ain't no time for being Trunky!

But like I was saying, this was a really good week! We had a blast working! We have been doing a lot more teaching and a lot less walking. But that's good because all those contacts that we have been doing are actually showing, and we are teaching more. It's been awesome!

One of our best lessons this week, the one in which I learned the most and felt the biggest spirit, was with a less active member. Her name is Claudia. She is awesome! She showed up at church one day and asked us to come by and teach her so she can retake the church again. She wants to do everything and be active again. She's almost there, she just is missing a little more time. But anyway we were talking about the Plan of Salvation, specifically about the Spirit World and the Resurrection. And we read the Scripture John 20 :15-16, which says... 

 "15 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be thegardener, saith unto him,Sir, if thou have borne himhence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I willtakehim away.

 16 Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, andsaith unto him, Ra-bboni; which is to say, Master."

And we talked about how great that is. "Woman, why weepest thou?" I love that because Mary Magdalene thought that someone had robbed the body of Jesus. But the question that Jesus asks can be used to understand that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is something happy, and so will ours. I know how true that is, and how happy we will be to be resurrected and see all our loved ones!

Anyway, today we played soccer and the stake center, but Elder Tafur hasn't sent everyone the foto yet, so maybe next week I'll have it.

And then today's picture is an awesome graffitti that we found in the sector. It says "Brava Raza" which is like a saying here in chile about the people. It means something like "A Brave Race"

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