Wednesday, September 9, 2015


This has been an interesting week. We've had a good time so far, but it's kind of eh. It's  been kind of a hard week. But really great testimony builder about fasting this week.

Well Saturday we started our fast, and decided to fast for a few reasons, but the main one being to find new people. So we started. And the next day at church, we were sitting in Gospel Principles class, and a brother from the other ward in our chapel comes and takes out me and my comp and he says that there is an investigator in their meeting who lives in our ward and wants us to pass by his house. We went to talk with him, and he is dating a member, and we was really excited for us to go by!

And then yesterday we went to his house, and he is super prepared. We got there and he offered us a hot chocolate and drank one too because he said that he had already stopped drinking coffee! That's sick! We were so stocked leaving that place. It is so awesome!

So we had a really great testimony builder about fasting! We had a really great experience!

Anyway here are our pictures. The first one is a jersey I found in a street vendor's spot. It was 2 bucks.

And the second one was last night for Elder Llacza's birthday. Good kid.

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