Wednesday, June 10, 2015


End of the first week in a new sector, and it was great! It was so awesome to begin a new sector and just have all the energy to work! That and I am getting along great with my new companion. 
Elder Corbo is doing well too, and we are having a lot of fun! He is a riot! We work hard and we have a lot of fun doing it! We are enjoying the sector, even though it is a little harder than my other ones. The people in general aren't quite as receptive right off the bat, 
but it's been going well.

We taught a really good lesson this week! I liked it a lot! I had taught it before but this had a different effect that the last time, and I hope the missionaries where you all live try it one day in the future because that would ruin the surprise. 

The lesson goes with a scenario. Let's say we went to Europe in vacation and in a plane. The plane starts to have a malfunction and just in case, the pilot has everyone write a small note to their families in case the worst comes. So we all had 3 minutes to write a small note to our families, and the notes all get guarded in the safe box. 

Then we explained how important the Book of Mormon is. How the Book of Mormon is just like those notes we had just written. They are very important so that we all could know about God and How much God loves us. We used the scripture Jacob 4:1-3 which explains about it.

Then we continued with the scenario, that the rescuers get to the crashed plane and find the safe box. The examine what there is inside, important documents and other stuff, but when they see the notes, they don't see the value that they have, so they rip them up and throw them away. I bet we would all be pretty mad at that! THe same thing happens when we don't read the Book of Mormon. We don't give it the value it deserves. So that's the qustion... Are we giving the Book of Mormon the value it deserves?

But other than that, we had a great week! I hope everything is good at home!

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