Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Chile is doing great in the American Cup! And we're hearing all about it! It was a blast seeing the game with the zone! It was a pretty good game too. But it was really fun. I'll send a picture of it. But Argentina is Argentina, so we'll see.

The weeks are getting better here. We aren't finding loads of people like we did in my last sector, but those that we have found or those that we were teaching are a little bit more consistent with appointments and progressing a little bit more. So we are pretty pumped about that!

I gave a talk this week and I liked the theme. It was that "The Gospel Blesses the Families."  The bishop explained that that is one of the most important things about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but that a lot of times, we usually tend to forget to touch it during lessons as missionaries. Or I mean when we do touch it, we could spend all day on it, but we usually just give it a little bit of time and move on. But I really enjoyed this talk. I focused it on the Gospel, but also on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. And my last point is found in Doctrine and Covenants 130:2 which says

"And that same sociality which exists among us here will exist among us there, only it will be coupled with eternal glory, which glory we do not now enjoy."

I think that was my favorite point.That the families can be together forever, because thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, he's made it possible!

So it was a good week! So these are the fotos this week...

Everyone watching the game.

Me and Corbo after the game. 

And we couldn't see the game on Monday, but we are showing our pride anyway... Just don't tell Corbo's family because they might get mad haha.

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