Monday, June 30, 2014

So there goes another week, and another month. This past week I hit 8 months, pretty crazy right? That came out of nowhere.

Well, changes were today. I didn't change! Neither did my companion, so that makes me really happy. The only thing is that not a single person changed in my district for the second time haha. That will be interesting. In other news, Elder McMullin finally left the sector after 7 months of being here haha. A little sad, but that means I am now the oldest missionary here in this sector! That will also be interesting haha. We now have a Canadian in the house, Elder Purnell is his name. I don't know too much about him, but I am sure I will as time goes on.

Chile was knocked out of the world cup, which is sad, especially because of the way it happened. Penalties stink to lose a game. We pretty much heard all about it, so we knew when they lost. It stinks, but that means it is a little bit easier for us!

We didn't have too interesting of a week, but it was still really fun! The best part of the week was last night. We had a fireside for the Birthday of the Mission! That was really cool! We are still one of the youngest missions in the world, we only have a year. But still, the progress we have seen is incredible! In the past year, we have raised the Sacrament Meeting attendance in the mission by over 1,000 people! I'm really glad I have been able to take a part of that!      President talked to us about how important it is to have a vision in missionary work. And in everything really. It was good!  I found a lot of Elders there and it was awesome! Among them were all the people I knew in the MTC and everyone I had ever shared a ward with! It was really awesome! Pictures will follow!

Also, just before I close this out, I need to recommend a video that we use all the time. It is incredible and really powerful! So check it out!

Alright here are the pictures:

Here is me sending off McMullin. He's a great friend.

The second is a good friend of mine. Elder Mateus from Colombia. He was the last AP and left to go home today.

AAAAnd what we do during the Chile games. Completos (which is the chilean hot dog. It is a hot dog with avacado and tomate.

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