Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Well, there flew another week here in the mission.  It went by pretty fast, just in case you were wondering. I dont know how the time is going up there in the States, but it is flying down here. We had a pretty interesting week down here, but I will go one part at a time.

So this was the first week of the new change, and it went by quick. We were working really hard, but then had a few fall backs haha. Lets see, on Tuesday we killed it! We had a really good day with 5 lessons, which just to let you know, thats about the record high for me in one day, so that was a really good way to start the week! It was really awesome, and it got us in on a good foot for the week!

Wednesday went pretty well, but nothing too cool to tell you about. Thursday was the most interesting day of my mission. My testimony really grew about Priesthood blessings. We were on the way from picking up lunch. We were walking to the bus stop and we got a call, and we were asked to stop by a members house and give a blessing to their son, and it was really urgent. We get in to their house and he was crying he was in so much pain. He has broncitis (I think is how you spell it) and it is such a bad case that it sometimes can affect his whole body. So he was in a lot of pain. But we gave him a blessing and it was really powerful. He had stopped crying before we had finished and when we stopped by that night, he was finally sleeping. So that was a really cool experience!

Then today, we went as a mission to a huge hill in the middle of our mission, (its actually the only hill we really have because our mission is so small haha) and we hiked it as a whole mission and had a devotional at the top with President, so that was a really cool experience and I got to see all my friends in the whole mission, so it was an awesome P Day!

I didnt take hardly any pictures this week. The ones I did were just of the hill I hiked, so just to give you an idea, we climbed this in about an hour. It was pretty rough because there were no switchbacks.

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