Monday, July 28, 2014

Hey....   ...My responsibility here and now is to manage a whole sector by myself and work in another sector too. It is rough. Luckily, the walk isn't too long. Our two sectors border each other and so it isn't too far. But we have to walk about 30 minutes to get between sectors. So it is pretty tiring every day, but it´s a really good experience. I am learning a lot about managing my time and stuff like that. It is good practice. Just a lot of walking haha. My new comp, Elder Zazueta de Mexico is a really good guy! We came in together to the mission, and we get along really well! But that is what is going on here. Just to make it a little bit more clearer.

Other than being tired, I am doing pretty good. We have had a pretty good week. We aren´t able to work normally, but we manage it pretty well. And we only have to do it for about a week more, and then we are done and in our sectors for good, so we have got this.

Anyway, here are the pictures that I owe from last week. The first one is the woman that got baptized. She was really happy because didn´t know that I was coming and when I saw her it made me really excited haha. She was really nice to us.

The second is a picture of me and my first companion with a less active member we worked with before. His name is a Daniel and he is active now.

And the last one is me repping my USA soccer shirt. Today was P Day so of course there had to be soccer involved.

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