Wednesday, August 6, 2014

P-Day change

Well P-Day changed, and that was a huge change for us haha. We all woke up at 7:30 on Monday morning wanting a free day really bad, buuuut we had to wait an extra 3 days. So we are all pretty tired and grateful that we have a P-Day.  The main reasons that P-Day changed was because all of the cultural things about Chile are all closed on Mondays and open all the other days of the week, so we are now able to do more cultural things on our free day which will be pretty cool!

So I am still with Elder Zazueta and we are still working 2 sectors. There is a lot of walking involved and a lot of time taken to go in between sectors and stuff. But it is really fun! I like the other ward where we are working and a few of the people there have grown on me and so I really like it. And one more week and we will be split up in our own sectors. It kind of stinks thinking about it because now Elder Zazueta and I are really good friends and we only get 3 weeks working together.  

This week we had a really cool service project in my comp's zone. We went to destroy a house! The stake president of the stake next to me bought a new piece of land to build a new house. The only thing is that there was an old house and a lot of garbage in the plot of land that he had. So, he asked us if we could help him rip it down and clean all the garbage in his land, so of course we told him yes! It was fun and we had a blast. We got to play around for a few hours and do service at the same time!

The ward I'm working in is starting to progress a lot! We have 4 missionaries right there, but since all the people in the states are going to start leaving for the mission, we are going to start getting a new flood of missionaries, so I think pretty soon we will get up to 6 missionaries in my ward.

We went to the temple today for P-day but we weren't able to do a session, we got there late and the session had already started.  We went to go with a recently baptized member to take out his endowments and since we got there late, so we helped in the baptistry a little bit but I was disappointed that we didn't make the session.
So I'll give you a before and after of the service project we did. Here is the before in the first pic,

and the after in the second pic.

And this one is me with a huge giant Chilean flag over my head.

And then this one because I like it!

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