Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Well here we are, at the end of week 1 training Elder Groen. It's a lot of hard work training a new guy. He's a really good kid, so that makes it a lot easier! He is a super good missionary already, way better than I was when I entered into the field! His Spanish is improving really fast and he is already to understand a little bit and communicate really well! I think once he finishes his training he will be ready to train on his own! He is a super good kid and I am really lucky to be able to work with him.

So this week we had kind of a crazy week. I think the funniest story we made this week was when we made a super weird contact. We don't even know his name haha. We knock his door and he talks to us a little bit and then lets us in. He talked about all kinds of things that don't have anything to see with us and our message. And then we tried to teach him a little bit but then he just kept talking. So after about a half hour we just told him that we were late for an appointment and we just left. We asked him for his name and he wouldn't tell us. Weird, but oh well haha.

We had a super awesome service project this week and I am kind of mad I didn't get a picture before and after it. A family in our ward had had problems with the roof over their patio and they asked us to help them take it off. So we got up there and looked for the source. Turns out they had pretty bad water damage. So we helped them rip apart the whole roof and took it down. It was pretty fun!

Yeah so I snapped two pretty good pics I think, the first is of the Reese's Pieces that I got in the package! They were really goood!

And the second one is just a sick picture I think. Of a huuuuge completo that we made!

Have a great week!

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