Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Well there goes another week just as fast as the last. The time is really flying down here, I don't know how it is going over there, but I hope the time is going for you guys too!

Anyway, training is going great! It's a little bit harder just because I have to do a little bit more of the work and stuff, but Elder Groen is super good and pulls some weight in everything we do together! His spanish is improving more than mine did when I was in my training, plus he just has a huge desire to talk with the people, so that is what a missionary really needs so he is doing awesome!

So we have had a pretty normal week, there isn't too much to talk about because we have had to walk a lot this week, so I thought I would switch it up and talk a little bit about something that President has really been talking about these past few weeks!

So our statement for this year is that "We are consecrated missionaries whose lives and work are centered on the Doctrine of Christ."  But what he has really been focusing on is the work "Consecrated." The best example of a person who is consecrated is Nefi in the book of Helaman 10 when Nephi was praying and meditating about what had happened previously when God answered him and told him in verse 5 that he will all things will be as Nephi says it. But only because "thou wilt not ask for that which is contrary to my will," or the will of God. So Nephi was trying so hard to live the will of God that everything that Nephi wanted was also what God wanted. That's where we want to be, when he are exactly in line with what God wants. It's definately not easy but it'll be worth it.

Anyway, the pictures I snapped this week were pretty awesome! The first one is pretty sick of a sunset we saw. It was pretty cool!

The second one was is when I made american style pancakes. They were super good! This was attempt number 4 or 5, so they finally turned out!

And the last one is one we found today! I am trying to follow Jesus so hard that I even found the street to take me to him haha.

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