Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Well, I am writing on Tuesday, not Monday. And you must all be thinking, why is that? Well the answer is kind of simple really. The World Cup. Hahaha, Chile played yesterday and so we were only allowed to leave the house for a few hours. So we were all going to go play soccer as a zone at a really good field, come back early and write. But long story short, the bus and train system was so crazy we wound up getting home late because it was full of people trying to get home for the game. So we did not get the time to write yesterday and here we are!

Anyway, Chile had 2 games this past week. Last Wednesday when they killed Spain, like they weren't supposed to, the streets went crazy!!!!!!!! We are in an area of the sector that doesn't have too many houses and our house is kind of isolated. But still. They killed Spain which is a huge deal, AND they qualified for the next round, so we heard people horsing around and making all kinds of noise and trouble just about all night. It was pretty crazy! Yesterday wasn't too bad because Chile lost, so we didn't hear too much.

Anyway, this week was pretty rough. Having to stay in the house, some things that happened to where we couldn't get to teaching and stuff, so we didn't get to teach too many people. But we did have a really interesting experience one day.

We were walking in the streets one day before lunch, and we were going to back from to the house after a lesson when all of a sudden the both of us just stopped. And we looked at each other and asked "Did you feel that?" And sure enough we both did. So we had no idea what to do, so we just starting knocking on doors that were near us, and just contacted. Doors shut in our faces and it kind of stunk for about 15 or 20 minutes, but we kept going. So we were kind of thinking like we both felt it, was it to have doors shut in our faces? But sure enough, we got to the last door on the street and a lady opened up and we talked to her for about 20 minutes, and we set an appointment for a few days later to go back and meet with her. Her name is Teresa. We haven't seen her since, but we are still hopeful!

Well that was my week, and I didn't take too many pictures, but the two I took was one of me, my District Leader and my Zone Leader in a face thingy. I'm on the left with the shades. The other is me and my DL contacting a random door on the way to the soccer field.

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