Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Well we got quite the wake up call this week for this coming winter. We got hit by a pretty big storm this weekend and it got pretty bad. It was huge! Well in my perspective it was huge. But then I got told by everyone that it was really nothing. Hmmmm... It sure felt like a lot to me. Maybe it is just this part of Santiago, but the streets FLOODED! It got pretty bad. The big streets that are really busy were flooded so bad that the water came up to my mid calf. On Friday night we had to cross a really big street and I was wearing my winter boots, and they almost didn't help at all. I poured out water when I got home. So the next morning my comp and I went to get full on rain boots that almost come up to my knee! They are pretty sick, but now I will be able to stay dry!

This week was a pretty good week. We saw a few people that we haven´t seen in a little while. We saw Ivet and Sergio, and they are doing really good. She got a new job that is a little bit more comfortable, so that was good news!

Oscar is doing really good! He is still recuperating from a lot of things that he has left behind, and is still having a few speed bumps, but he is getting really strong in the church.

We found out that one of our investigators is moving next week, and he was progressing really well! Bayron will be moving to another ward in the mission and his mom is getting married, so that´s good. Maybe I will end up getting transferred there too haha.

But that is about it. We have had a few bumps in the road, but nothing to bad or too much to handle. We keep going and that is what is most important. We are only here to invite other people to come unto Christ, but we can´t make them. Which is hard sometimes, but it is what it is.

The first picture there is one of the storm clouds that were coming before the weekend. When you see that here in Chile, you know the next few days are going to be rough haha.

Then the next one is the only good thing about the rain. We get a really nice view whenever it snows!

And then the last one is a picture of me and my comp during weekly planning. The longest 3 hours of the week. But we try to get it done with a little bit of fun.

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