Monday, June 2, 2014

This week has been pretty good! I am still pretty tired, but that is part of the job. We are still working and still walking haha. The walking a little bit less this week thankfully! It is kind of nice not to be in a white wash in this time of the year because it is starting to get pretty cold! But that is alright. The only problem that we have had so far this year is in the morning and nights. But we had to move both bunk beds into one room just because it was soooooo cold in the mornings, but now we don't have a problem.

But a quick update, I have been starting to talk in my sleep, but it is a little bit weirder than just that. I am starting to teach and pray during the night, but I am doing it in Spanish.... So that is pretty weird. I will wake up one morning and everyone will joke with me and say "Burt! You were praying in your sleep last night! And your Spanish is better when you are sleeping than when you are awake!" haha, so that is a little weird.

But as for everything else, this week was a really good week. We found a few new less active members to teach and they were pretty open to listen to us. We found out that a few of the less active members that we used to teach are ready to listen to us again, so that is really good. But as for new investigators to teach, we are still having a hard time finding them, so we are working on that.

Bayon is doing well. He is still progressing and stuff. He is still really excited to get baptized and go on a mission, and he has even offered to go out and visit people with us. Ivet and Sergio are doing good, but they weren't able to go to church again, so we are going to try again this week to get them to go, but we will see how it goes!

Well I took pictures this week and they came out pretty good if I do say so myself. 

The first one is me one day when I came in so tired I put on my pjs, prayed and just died on my bed and didnt get back up until the morning!

The second one is the view out of our window. We have a good view of the mountains!

And the last two is me in my favorite teams jersey! We found this place today that sells jerseys really cheap and saw one of Manchester United and I had to! It was pretty awesome!

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