Monday, March 31, 2014

So this was a really fast week, and I have a feeling this week will be an even faster one, because this coming friday we find out changes. So these past 5 weeks went by pretty fast. I'm hoping I don't go after one change of being here, but we'll see.

Anyway, this was a pretty crazy week! Where to start, where to start....

We had a lot of service again this week! Which was really good! We have been working on our investigator's box car that he uses to sell his fish... So it's kind of a weird service project, but it's really good that we are doing it! Our investigators names are Juan and Asuncion. They are super good to us and always love to take care of us! But when we started to work on their car, they started to listen to us a lot more intently and take notice to what we say, so they are having a real change of heart. So that's super good! We are hoping they will come to General Conference this weekend!

On Thursday I went on divisions with our District Leader Elder Alba. It went super good, and I stayed in our sector and we worked together there. We got a lot of work done and it went super well! I did super good leading the sector for that day, so I got really excited after that day!

On Friday we had a really weird day! Chile has a holiday on the 29 of March where all the young kids go out and just make disasters and make trouble and stuff, so I am not sure where they got such a holiday or why it is a holiday. But it's there. So on Friday we had to go into the house at 5 in the afternoon, and then we couldn't leave again until Sunday. So we had to spend all day Saturday in the house. It was rough. We all wanted to go out and work, but our ward mission leader helped us out. Since we live on the floor above our ward mission leader in his house, we got to go downstairs to his house all day and have an asado, which is a Bar-B-Que Chilean style!
That was really great! And it helped us to gain more confidence in him and stuff, so that was really great!

So overall it was a really good week! Just a little bad because we couldn't work for two whole days, but this week should be better! Anyway, time to send pictures.

This first one is on Saturday morning. We made french toast since we had a little bit more time after studies.

The second is how much meat we cooked at our asado on Saturday.. There was a lot of food!

We had to clean the whole apartment on Saturday, and the third picture is when we were cleaning the fridge. Somebody left a melon in there since before I started the mission, so cleaning that part of the fridge got pretty nasty... Na just kidding. We decided to put on the gloves and mask as a joke, our apartment really wasn't that bad!

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