Monday, March 17, 2014

So there is another week down. The time is going by really fast now! Not sure yet if I am liking that or not, I'm honestly thinking not... I'm starting to really love being down here. I'm really loving the work that I'm doing here and the people I am getting to help! So I'm having a blast down here. 

So this week was really good! We had a lot of hard work to do this week, which in one sense was kind of a bummer. Let me explain..

Of the 7 days we had this week, we did service projects in the morning 3 of those days. Which is fantastic really! 2 of those days were to help our ward mission leader, which was great! It helped us gain his confidence and now we are working a little bit more with him, and a little bit better too! So that's really good! The other we helped an investigator move and attach this big heavy door to the front of the gate, which was hard work. Overall we did almost 10 hours of service this week, which was awesome, now we are just pretty tired, but that's okay!

Other than that this week was pretty good! We finally both went to get our Visas on Friday, so now we aren't illegal in this country! Haha na, but we really did go to get our Visas. That took forever! We got to the subway station at 7:30 and went downtown to take them out. It took about 5 hours of walking and standing in line, but it was good because now we have them. There were a ton of missionaries there too, so we were able to just talk and try to make the most out of the time we had just standing, so that was good!

This week was another great week for working. We keep working with the same non-active members, but it is really starting to pay off! This week, my comp and I brought 6 non-active members to church, and the other companionship brought 9, so together we had 15 non/less active members in church, and with an attendance of 70, the four of us brought more than 20% of the attendance for this past week, so that was amazing! It was so cool to just sit there and see that all of these people are starting to have a change of heart and are starting to come back to church! SO that was the high point of this week!

So I owe some pictures I think, so we'll see what I've got...

This first one is a picture of me and Elder McMullin. This is what happens at 11:30 Saturday night when you are called to give a talk in church the next day. That was fun........... 

The second is called Plaza de Armas. That's where we had to go to take out our Visas. With a surprise appearance from my trainer Elder Bezerra who happened to go with his comp at the same time as we did, so that was cool!

And the other is last P Day, when Elder PiƱeyro decided to take us Gringos to the court and teach us how to play soccer. HA! I know how to play soccer........... But i still learned a lot from him hahaha.

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