Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Earthquakes & Conference

So here I am. This past week was a pretty wild one here in Chile. There was a pretty big earthquake up in the north of Chile, and that has hit that area pretty hard. But where I am, we didn't get affected by the big earthquake. BUT, we did feel a pretty big tremor (I think that's what it's called in English but I don't remember. It's was a temblor in Spanish, so there's that.) Thursday we were all sitting talking in the night and my comp started to shush us all and tell us to listen. Then we started to feel the whole second floor just shaking back and forth! It was pretty cool, I'm not going to lie. But that was that. I hope we don't get anything bigger than that where I'm at.

This week was also General Conference. That was really cool! I really enjoyed all of the talks and listening to it all. Luckily, I got to listen to it in English! All the North Americans got to go into a back room in the church and we had our own room to be able to sit and listen to it in English, which I'm really glad about because I think I got more out of it in English than I would have in Spanish! But I really liked it this year. It was super good with a lot of really awesome talks! My favorite was when Elder Eyring talked about childhood heroes! It was pretty awesome!

This week completed week 6 of this change, and today was we had changes meeting. Elder PiƱeyro and I are staying together this change, which our whole district actually stayed together so that was kind of weird. But we went to changes meeting to drop off Elder Webb. Elder McMullin is training for the second time in a row so we'll see how that goes.

So not much changed for me this for this coming transfer. Overall this week went really well and I liked it a lot! 

This is the only picture I took this week. It's of all my Agendas, this will be my 4th change out in the field and so for that I will have my 6 months in this change. A little scary but here we are.

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