Monday, April 14, 2014

We had a really good week this week! It was a pretty backed week, and we worked really hard and so we are all pretty tired. But other than working hard, not too much happened this week. 

So this week on Wednesday, we found out our districts for the next 6 weeks. We found out that Elder Pineyro and I are in the same exact district, because no one else in our district changed last Monday, so I was just sitting there like "Shoot, I am going to have the same exact 6 weeks that I had!" But it's all good. One change that we did get is a new room mate. Elder McMullin is training again, so we have a newbie in the house! He is a really good guy. His name is Elder Torres, and he is from Paraguay. He is a cool guy and excited about the work and so this will be a good new start to a new change!

Other than that, we just had a really normal week, just working. Until Saturday everything was normal. Saturday morning Elder McMullin got up so sick he almost looked dead. So him and his comp had to stay in for the past two days, and then Elder Pineyro has had a really bad cold all week, so our P Day today was just staying in the house so everyone could rest. So getting out of the house and writing on the computer is awesome right now! 

Other than that, nothing really happened, so It was a pretty uneventful week, which meant it was really good because we got to work a lot and teach a lot of lessons. Our sector is still hurting for investigators, but we are making a lot of progress with less active members, so that's really good and something to be really happy about! 

I also found out a nice little tid bit of information this week! I was talking to an elder who has a lot of time on the mission, and we were talking about the when the missions Rancagua and Santiago West split to make the Santiago South mission. He told me that the mission split was a really hard thing for a lot of elders. He told me that it's because out of the missions Rancagua and Santiago West, this was the hardest section of both, and one of the hardest sections in all of Chile, so that was pretty interesting to find out! But just gives us more work to do!

But as for pictures, this was a really boring week for pictures, sorry about that. This is the only picture I have from this week, and it's the cover of my new Agenda. I really like the picture and the was it turned out!

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