Monday, April 28, 2014


Alright, hit 6 months this past week, but I still feel the same. Time's still going by fast and stuff. But it's great! We actually had a really great week!

We weren't able to teach too many people this week, but we did a pretty good job. We did the best we could, but everyone in the zone had a really tough week. We aren't really sure why, it just kinda happened. We did all we could, so there's that.

Thursday we had a Zone Conference in my old chapel! It was really cool to go back there! My whole zone went to my old chapel with my old zone! It was so awesome! My trainer was there and I got to talk to him a bunch! It was fantastic! I got to get the scoop on all the people I used to teach and all the people in the ward! It was pretty great! In the conference President talked a lot and I learned a lot of things. I thought before that I went there that I was learning a lot and kinda knew how to be a missionary. But then we got there and he just killed any thought that I had about that. But that was good. That was good. 

Anyway we had a miracle happen for me and my comp this week. When I had talked to my trainer, he told me that one of my old investigators had moved with her family to another sector, but it could be in my zone! So that was sad but cool because I might be able to see them again, but that was the only thought that I gave it.
But on Saturday, we went to an apartment complex to try and contact a less active member, and they weren't there. So we were pretty bummed out and we started to leave. We left the building and I paused for a second when a taxi pulled up. I looked inside the window and I saw a familiar face! I started to freak out and told my comp to hold up for a second! My old investigator, her names Ivett, and her son Mateo climbed out of the car! That was incredible! We started to talk and they have moved into an apartment there and told us to pass by any day of the week! We are going to go see them today, so wish us luck!
I called Elder Bezerra and told him and he was in awe. That was probably the coolest moment I've had in a long time. I guess her family was really progressing before they left, so now we might be able to teach them and keep them progressing!

So that was my week!

Picture time. This first picture is me in a nice chair. One of Elder McMullin's investigators gave us 2 nice arm chairs and a huge sofa, and so we put them in the apartment and now use them all the time, so that's awesome!

The second one is some graffiti that we found. My comp thought it was hilarious that it says "Monkey," which they spelled wrong, but that was pretty funny when we found it.

Then the last one is the missionaries in Covarrubias (my ward) today. We went and played soccer 11 vs. 11 on a nice turf field! It was pretty awesome!

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