Monday, May 5, 2014

Not too much happened this week that was too exciting. We had a really slow week, but we still worked really hard and did a lot of walking.

One of the greatest things that happened was we finally got into Ivet's house. We tried last Monday, and they weren't there. We passed by every day at 7 and then finally on Thursday they were home! We got there and it was just Ivet and Mateus, so we sat at the door and talked to her. Their story is really incredible! When I first met them, they had lost everything. But then when they started talking to us in my last sector, their lives started to really turn around! They both found really good jobs, are now back on their feet and living in their own apartment. After a little bit, Sergio got home from his job and we sat down and talked with them for a while. They are really progressing! They are both reading the Book of Mormon together and praying really hard! We are really excited with their progress and we just started to meet with them! 

Another really awesome thing that happened this week was on Sunday. We have been working really hard with a less active member named Oscar. He comes from a really good family, but got mixed up in some stuff he shouldn't and was inactive for a long time. But when I got here, he really started to turn his life around and is now attending church regularly. He is now done with all that, and only lacks giving up the cigarettes. But on Sunday he got up and bore his testimony about how much we helped him and how much God has been there for him. It was pretty awesome!

That was our week, and I only took one picture, so here it is...

Someone lent us a Janga set... It was pretty awesome!

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