Monday, May 12, 2014

So hey everybody. Here's my weekly letter... But not too much happened this week, only the fact that I skyped my family, which was great! I miss everybody a lot, but I've also come to love being down here. I do miss everyone though, and skyping made me miss everyone even more. 

But other than that not too much happened this week, but we did have a few really good things happen. After I finished skyping my family, we went and visited Ivet, Sergio and Mateo. It's funny where they moved because they live in a apartment complex where 3 or 4 members with their age live, so we brought a couple with about their same age to go visit them, just to meet them. It went really good! The hope now is that they will see each other around and say hi to each other and greet each other and stuff, to keep building the relationship and stuff.

We also had a really good Family Home Evening this week. We have them at least once a week in this ward, and they are really called Noche de Hermanamientos, which means something weird in English, so I'll just call it FHE. We all planned it together, and we used the idea we had heard of before to give everyone a candy or something like that, but someone has to do 10 push ups for everyone who takes a candy, and 10 push ups for those who don't take a candy. Basically it explains the Atonement of Jesus Christ, that whether or not we accept him, he paid for our sins. It was really good, and a lot of people were crying because it was so powerful! Super good!

Well, next Monday are changes, and I'm hoping I'm not leaving, but we'll see. Next time you hear from me I'll either be in a new sector or have a new comp. Probably, but we'll see.

So it's actually pretty funny, because the Jehovah's Witnesses came around our street, so we hid and pretended like we weren't home hahahaha.

The second picture is of the familia Meza. They are like our family in this ward, and I skyped at their house this week and just realized that I didn't introduce them to the family.

And then the third is my Pool team for today, which is what we did for P Day, so that was pretty fun. And it was a pretty good picture too!

Have a great week!

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