Monday, May 19, 2014


Well, we had changes this past week, and I´m glad to say that I am here to stay in this sector. It was sad when Piñeyro had to leave, but that´s part of the mission. And he is still in my zone, just 2 sectors over, so I´ll still see him every week at least once. 

Now, I am with Elder Tafur, from Colombia. He is super good. I am his Greeny-breaker, so that will be fun! He is a good guy and says he likes to work hard, but I´m just getting to know him, so we´ll see how it goes. From what I know he is a convert from when he was 10 years old, and he seems pretty dedicated to the work, so wish us luck.

This week was a pretty good week, we were able to teach a lot of lessons and get a lot of work done. This has been one of the best weeks on my mission, speaking of lessons at least. 

Other than teaching lessons, we didn't have too much of an exciting week, but   I've got a recommendation and suggestion for everyone. There is a really good video on youtube that we have been using to teach. It´s called "The Atonement and Missionary Work". It´s super good and it has my recommendation. It is a combination of Elder Eyring and Elder Holland talking about the work and stuff. It talks about how the atonement can guide us in missionary work, but I think it explains a lot about just being a person in the church, or a person at all. 

The first picture is me with my new companion. He seems like a good guy, I like him a lot.

This is me and Piñeyro with Oscar and his brother Andres. Oscar (The one in the back) is almost reactivated, and his brother is starting to listen to us a little bit at a time.

The third is Juan and Asuncion, they are two investigators who we have. They are a bit more difficult, and work on Sundays, but we are working with them.

Have a great week!

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