Monday, December 30, 2013

This week!

So first of all I will explain why I was able to email you on Wednesday.  On Tuesday, Elder Bezerra tried to Skype with his family and basically it was terrible. He told me that basically the entire time was spent "Hey, can you hear me?" So he got permission to try again on Wednesday. We went to an internet cafe and he tried from there (and it worked fantastic which he was so happy about and was actually the Christmas Miracle for this year)! But our Zone Leaders were there too and they saw that I was just sitting there and they said that if I needed to do something on the computer I could. So I asked if I  could let you know if I got the package, and they said that was fine! And then I watched conference talks, so it was pretty awesome!

Okay, so about my week after I talked to you guys...

We went to dinner with an awesome family! The first picture is with a family who lives really close to us and this sister is like our mom. Whenever we don't have a lunch or anything she'll cook for us and she invites us over all the time! She's fantastic! After that we stayed out until 11 with the family in the second 2 pictures and ate dinner with them and had a lot of fun!

Christmas was great! For Missionary work, it's terrible because no one wants to talk to you and no one wants to listen to you. BUT it was pretty fantastic! As you know, I got the package first thing in the morning and it was great! And then the Christmas Miracle for us was really special when Elder Bezerra got to talk to his family without problems! He had problems on the Mother's Day earlier this year, and then problems on Tuesday, so for it to work on Wednesday was great!

On Thursday, Elder Bezerra and I got to go to the Temple! That was really cool! He got to see the new video for the first time, which he thought was awesome! But after that, we taught a few lessons and it was great!

Yesterday, President Cook had to come and speak to our ward during 3rd hour and try to explain the rules a little bit more. It's really hard because nobody understands why we have the rules that we have (especially the one about us not being able to go into a house with just a woman) and they all think that it is just that we don't trust them, and we've actually had one or two people that have stopped coming to church... So President tried to come and explain them, but we'll see if it helped. He did a really good job, so we are all hopeful that it will help! After that, we went to a meeting with the bishop's council for the planning of 2014!! We hope this will inspire the ward to help us more!

Skyping with you guys was the highlight of my week! I love you all and I hope everyone is doing great!

¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

Elder Burt

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