Monday, January 6, 2014

New Years!

Tuesday! The day before New Years! PARTY! 

But not for Missionaries ahaha. No for us it was kind of a bummer. Chileans love to party! A lot! For real... So Tuesday we needed to be in the apartment by 6 p.m. to be safe. Yeeaaaah, that was interesting! So we worked until 6 and we were in our apartment and needing to do something until 11:30. So we read, and we read, and we read and watched Finding Faith in Christ and cleaned a lot.. haha.

That night we didn't sleep much. There were some people partying until 8:30 in the morning! WOW, that is a lot time.. So we slept as well as we could.

Friday was my first Bible Bash. That was terrible. The guy we tried to teach was a reference. We tried to teach him but he wouldn't listen to us and kept trying to fight with us, so we heard him out and just calmly tried to teach him. After a while we just ended and left. There was a really bad spirit there, and we felt really bad. Like a gross feeling, so we left. But I did have a really cool experience in there! We tried to teach, but he wouldn't listen about the Book of Mormon, so I decided to try and read a bit of it. I opened exactly to 3rd Nephi, the part when Christ visited the Americas and taught the people there. And in almost perfect Spanish I taught him about it and explained to him that we can only tell him what we believe, no more. And he listened for a minute and then continued to argue with us. But it was really cool for me! 

The next day we found out it wasn't even the right guy.. Haha, oh well!

To be honest we are still having a hard time here, with not a lot of people to teach, but we keep working! And we are seeing the blessings that come with it! We are really excited for the work!

3rd Nephi 11 is the chapter I used for my Bible bash!  You should read it!

Elder Bezerra, Braden and another set of Elders in his area

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