Monday, January 20, 2014

This week!

So, we have 2 brand new Elders in our house which is pretty cramped, but reaally fun! They are also in our area, doing another white wash, so we tried to help them out a lot, and for this we had kind of a slow week.
BUT! We had a really cool experience. We contacted into a non-active member of our ward a few weeks back, and we have been working with her to try and get her to come back to church. She is super nice and really want to work with her, the only problem is that she will only let us talk about the Bible and Jesus. She said if we try to talk to her about our church, she is going to stop letting us come. Well, we decided that if she won't listen to our messages about our church and stuff, we can't keep going back there. So we decided to bring out the big guns.
We had an appointment with her this week, and we asked a brother in our ward if he would come with us. We shared a few scriptures and thoughts with her, and then this brother started to ask questions and talk to her. I'll be completely honest and say that, I didn't understand a thing that he said, because he talks really really fast! So I didn't understand much that he said, but it obviously worked! Because the next time that we went there, she let us teach her the first lesson, and just listened. And we made an appointment to go back!
That's the difference that happens when there is a member of the ward present at lessons. A lesson is easier for everyone when there is a member present. I really think that if we hadn't asked this brother to come with us, she wouldn't have really listened to what we had to say. I want to challenge everyone that reads this to choose a day, call the missionaries and ask to go them to a lesson and help them out. I guarantee that the difference you make will change that person's perspective on the church!
Other than that, we had a slow week. But I did have a really cool experience at church the other week. One of the young men's president's asked me to come and talk to some of them about the missionary work in the area, and what it meant to be a missionary. I agreed, and I went and just kind of did it. My spanish was good enough to teach, and I was able to understand everything that was said! So that was really cool!

(Also mom, I found out for sure what my mailing address is. So if you want to put that that would great! It's:
Elder Burt
Chile Santiago Sur
Apartado Postal, Casilla 544
Fransisco Aranda 530
San Bernardo

Also, I can look at websites as long as they are church related. So I can look at them if you send them to me.(He is looking for ways to mark his scriptures). And I looked at the blog you made and I look pretty fantastic! I mean, IT looks pretty fantastic! Hahaha that one was a joke! I'm funny... But seriously it looks soooooo cool! I love how you set it up! I will make sure to send pictures. Me and my comp have made it a goal to take more pictures, so there should be more pictures to come.

Also, thanks for sending the package, I'm pretty sure it will come soon! But I'll let you know!

BRANDON GOT BRACES?!  Wow.... How weird to think of him with those in.. But tell him he probably looks super hipster now, and that his mouth will get used to them!

We get to stay up later (11:30) because the people in Santiago stay up later too. We will go into houses and see that their kids are still up at 10p.m at night. Everyone in Santiago gets up and goes to sleep later, and so President changed our schedule. We still have the same amount of sleep and proselyting hours and stuff because we get up at 7:30. Really we have the same schedule as the elders in the states, just set back one hour.

Love you all!

This is me in my street clothes right before we went to play soccer as a zone! 

This is a joke with me and my comp! It's the Mail Center near our house and we thought it would be funny to take pictures like that because getting letters in the mail is really cool!

This one is the mountains while i'm standing over the highway right near our house! The mountains are HUGE here! It's crazy!

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