Monday, January 13, 2014

So, I am now done with my first change in the field! That means 12 weeks down, which is really crazy to  think about! It seems like yesterday I was in the Training Center, and only 2 days ago I was at home, so it is pretty crazy how fast the time is going by!

So, an update.  My Spanish is really improving! I can almost understand everyone who is not natively from Chile! Which I am pretty excited about, but it also kind of stinks because I need to talk to the people in Chile! But it´s okay, it will come! If I try really hard and think about it, I can think in Spanish. It´s really hard and reaaally slow, but I can do it if I think about it! And when I just think to myself, from what I can tell, it´s half English half Spanish. So that´s pretty cool!

We are getting 2 other missionaries in our house, so that´s going to be pretty cramped! I´ll send a picture of that, but we´re pretty excited about that! We are getting 26ish new missionaries this Tuesday fresh out of the CCM, and another 24 six weeks after tomorrow! Our mission is growing really fast!

Our ward is growing really fast too! Or rather the work in our ward! It has been really rough finding people to teach and help, but this past week we finally built it up to the point where we met the mission standards for the week! We get a little bit of slack because we were in a new area, but we are really working hard and the work in our area is progressing for us a lot! So we are really excited!

The wildfires aren´t really affecting us. We can see them burning in some of the mountains around us at night, and some days the smoke in the air is pretty bad, but we haven´t had any problems with them. I didn´t even know there was a very big problem with it until today when I read it in emails! So that´s good I guess!

Well, we are working hard, staying safe and being blessed! Wish me luck this week!

 Braden and Elder Bezerra's room(Braden's is the top bunk)
He says Chileans are wicked short!
The other bedroom for the new missionaries

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