Monday, January 27, 2014

Week 14

Another week just flown by! The perception of time here is so much different than it used to be. I'm sure it's just because I'm on a mission, which oddly enough is still mind boggling that I'm actually out here. A lot of it still seems surreal, but it's a lot of fun and a great experience!

This week I had a really big wake up call, and it was great! Not really a wake up call, but let me explain..

This week we went on divisions with one of my Leaders in a different sector. In his companionship there is my District Leader and then there is another Elder who was in the MTC at the same time as me. The only problem was they stuck me and the other new missionary together, and he is also American and we have about the same level of Spanish.... Great, thanks guys...

But the other elder and I just went to work and did the best we could. I think I had a lot of help that day because I understood and was able to talk more than I knew that I could before! I actually surprised myself by how well I could communicate. I had to do all the talking that day, because the other elder told me that he wasn't that confident in his Spanish, and so he didn't say much. So that was fun. 

But really the whole day I was able to get by with the Spanish that I have right now, and for me I guess that was an awakening because I am able to talk more than I had thought previously. I was able to teach and talk normally with the people, and it was really hard and I want to be better, but for now I think for me that was good progress!

That was the coolest experience of this week. We are still trying as hard as we can, and things are still continuing to look up, so the progress is great! I hope everything at home is going good!

This one is me straight chillin during study time! (Straight Chillin is only a manner of speaking! I was actually studying really hard at breakfast and my comp snapped a picture of me before Personal Study started! hahah)

The second is a kid in our ward who wants more than ANYTHING to go out with us! We are setting up for him to go because he needs an adult to go with us, so hopefully soon we'll be able to go out with him! 

This is me and Elder Bezerra eating lunch on P Day!

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