Monday, February 3, 2014

The ZOO!

Hey, so just to start out, we went to the Zoo today and it took pretty much all day, so I can't promise how long this letter will be because we don't have much time to write today, but here we go!

So, another week gone by, and to be honest this week was kind of hard. Everyone in Chile is on vacations for the summer, so that means basically everyone is out of town! So that makes it pretty hard. For example, our attendance in church dropped about 20 people in one week, so that's pretty rough, but I'm sure everyone in every mission experiences about the same. So we keep going.

Right now, we are living in a house that is composed of 2 rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom, and it's tiny.  It's pretty cramped, but we think we might be moving if the President approves it. So maybe, but we aren't sure yet.

We are teaching 3 kids.  They are crazy about the church, and they are progressing really fast! The only problem is they don't live with their parents, and so we aren't teaching their parents. And we have a rule in our mission that we have to wait 4 months to baptize anyone under 18 without their parents. Because there are a lot of kids that get baptized, come for a few months and then never come to church again. So we are waiting and working with them.

So the pictures are:
1 This is a picture with our bishop, and all the missionaries in our ward.
2 This is a picture of a family we had a Family Home Evening with, and they are super great! It was a fun time!
3 This is at the Zoo today! I got chased by an elephant............. I won!

This is all for this week! Like I said, I didn't have much time to write, but I'll email you next week!

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