Monday, February 17, 2014

Week 17

Well, a very interesting week. 
Bit of an update:

We have started to work a lot with a man named Henrique. He has got a past that is pretty crazy, and he is pretty old now and kind of in a sticky situation. But we started to really work with him and he is really open to listen to us, and he has been to church twice now! So that was really exciting! He told us that he really wants to change his life, and we told him we would try to help him along with that. So we are really trying to help him!

Vacations are still really killing us. Especially with José, Felipe and Jorge. They have not been to church in a long time, but we are still trying to get them to come back. But fortunately we were able to make an appointment with their dad Mauricio, so we are hoping that he will start to listen to us too, and maybe help them out along the way!

The most interesting was that I gave a talk yesterday in church. That was very very interesting. Why? Well first of all I decided that I was just going to prepare it in spanish. I did not want to translate it because that would take double the time, so that was a first. It went pretty well, I was able to write it out pretty well. I did not write it out word for word, just bullet points and scriptures and stuff. But it got time for me to speak, and the weirdest thing happened. I was not nervous at all. I just went up and talked, and surprisingly I took up all the time that I needed. So that was really cool! I guess people liked it because they told me that they did! But the other elders in my ward told me that they were really surprised because my spanish was really good! So I am pretty excited about that one!

But, this is week 12 of my training, so I am kind of nervous about that. I am pretty sure that me and Elder Bezerra are going to get split up, which is really sad because we are great friends and we work together great! I really don´t want to leave this ward, because it is great and I love the people here. But I will find out this Friday if one of us is leaving or not. Fingers crossed, but it is not likely we will both stay here in the ward... 
Love you all!
This one is of me and Elder Bezerra playing soccer this morning! It was really fun and we played with our Zone on a TURF FIELD! Yeah that is right, so that was pretty cool!

This one is a picture of my entire Zone all together! Last week we played dodgeball so that was fun! But here is the Zone!

It is starting to cool off (THANKFULLY) down here and this third picture is a bit of snow on the top of one of the mountains! Pretty cool! 

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