Monday, February 24, 2014


Well, I got transferred... I'm pretty sad that I had to leave my last sector, but at the same time, it will be good to have a change, I think. But anyway, I'll start from the beginning.
This week was awesome! We have had so many lessons and everything was falling into place. We started to really really teach the daughter in law of one of one of the sisters in our ward, and it is going great! She is progressing so so fast, and her husband started to listen and talk with us too! We were so excited for that! They are such a great family and they have a little 5 year old who is hilarious and loves the missionaries! We love going over there because they are progressing really well and we just love their family!
Henrique is one of the people we have been working a lot with. He is really progressing too! The good thing about him is that he just really wants to change his life. He had some problems in the past and he really just wants to get rid of it all and start over again. So of course that's great because it gives him a reason to meet with us and he is doing very well!
But on Friday, we all knew that changes were coming, and we were all super nervous as to who would go and who would stay. We all made predictions, but they didn't all turn out. My trainer, Elder Bezerra got to stay in the ward, and I needed to move on, which I was really sad about. Elder Hoose, who was in the other set of elders, left too, and Elder Mateus is now an Assistant to the President, which is really cool! But, us and the sisters in the ward were all pretty sad because we had all been working really hard together and we were having a lot of success! But, I am needed somewhere else.
Today, with my bags all packed up, we went to the mission center in San Bernardo and waited to hear who is going where. I am now in the ward Barrio Cavarrubias in the Zone La Gran Avenida, but I'm not a hundred percent sure that's the zone name, I'll check on that.
But my new comp is Elder PiƱeyro from Uruguay. He is really cool and we get along really good. The only thing that makes me a little bit nervous is that we have the same amount of time in the field. We were in the MTC together and now we are companions with less than 3 whole months in the mission. It makes me a little bit nervous just because we are both so new, but it's going to be really good for the both of us! The good thing is though that it is not a White Wash, so that will make it a little bit easier!
Well, that's all for this week. I'm hoping me and comp do well this week! Here I go!

The first picture is me and my new comp!

The second is a picture of all the missionaries in my old ward with my bishop!

 And the third is me eating the biggest completo that I have ever seen! 
25 Centimeters! And I finished all of it!

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