Monday, February 10, 2014

So, there goes another week. They are flying by right now. I only have 2 weeks left of my training, which kind of scares me a lot. I could potentially be training in 2 weeks, but I am hoping that does not happen, but we will see. I have a feeling that I will be training eventually, but I just do not know when.
This week was not too much easier. In fact just a little bit more difficult. But with some good news. The four of us might be moving into a bigger apartment closer to the chapel, but we are not sure if we will be moving in together. We are not sure, it is still up in the air, but we are hoping!
This week we did have some great things happen! Last week, we found a great investigator! Her name is Katalina, and she has her partner Santiago, with 2 little kids. We went to her house 2 times this week, and taught her the Restoration lesson. Both times we had a young man in the ward accompany us. He is preparing to go on a mission so that was pretty cool! It is so hard to try and teach when her 2 kids were running around, but it was perfect because as soon as we said the First Vision of Joseph Smith, they quieted down and we got all the way through it! That was pretty great! She liked what we taught her, and said she felt that it was true in her heart! We got so excited about it! Then she went to church on Sunday, so we are pretty pumped up!
We also found another great investigator! His name is Franco, and he is about 15, but he genuinely wants to know more about the church and answer some doubts he has about religion and God and stuff. Unfortunately all of Chile is still on vacations, so he went too, and so we have not met with him for a little while, but we are hoping he will be back soon!
That is my week in a nut shell. The work goes on and there is no time to stop! Wish me luck and here I go to another week!

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