Monday, December 16, 2013

Week 2 in the field

Week 2 in the field has been very interesting and just as hard, but at the same time just as worth it!
This White Wash is very hard because we have been having a very hard time making appointments with investigators and non active members. Trying to remember everyone's name is also a real struggle for me, but it is getting better! We don't know the member's that well, but we are trying to and it is becoming easier!
It is starting to get a lot easier. Every day we get to know more people and get better lessons so it is improving! We still have days of just walking around without a lesson and trying to find someone to talk with, but we are doing better! Poco a poco as they say here.
The spanish continues to get better! By now I can pretty much say everything I need to, not in the way I necessarily want to, but somehow yeah! I can communicate and understand everything with my comp and other gringos, but native Chilean speakers are much more dificult because they talk really fast and tend to slur their words together, but every day is better!
This week we had the chance to take an investigator to the Santiago Temple to see the annual Christmas Celebration there which was very cool! I think there should be a youtube video of it, but not sure 100% on that one... But David Archuletta, or I should say Elder Archuletta, sang at it and it was really cool to watch it!
This is really hard work, and it takes a lot to try and be the best I can be. But I know that it is possible, and one of my favorite stories in the BoM is Alma 8, which I highly recommend!
But, here I go! Week 3 starts................ NOW!

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