Friday, December 13, 2013

Letter from the President

December 13, 2013  

Dear Family of Elder Burt, 

We are happy to send the exciting news that after weeks of preparation in the Santiago MTC, your missionary has arrived safely with his group of fellow missionaries to the Chile Santiago South Mission.  They were transported from the MTC to the Mission Office where and participated in a New Missionary Orientation with President Cook, the Assistants to the President and the Office Staff.  After enjoying lunch with us, they were transported to the Mission Office where they met their trainers. 

Your son has been assigned as a junior companion to Elder Bezerra. 

Elder Bezerra is an exceptional missionary, hand-picked by President Cook to guide your missionary through the critical training period of his mission.  They are assigned to labor together in the Esperanza 2 zone.  

You can expect to hear from your missionary by email every preparation day which is each Monday.  We trust that you will also write to Elder Burt on a weekly basis.  Your positive messages of support and love will be a great source of strength and encouragement while he serves.  To send a letter or a package, please use the following address: 

Elder Braden Christopher Burt 
Chile Santiago South Mission 
Apartado Postal No. 544
San Bernardo, Chile 

We thank you for all that you have done to help prepare Elder Burt to faithfully serve a full time mission. We know that your family will be blessed for his sacrifice and commitment to serve the Lord.  

Thank you for trusting your missionary to the Lord and to us.  We look forward to getting to know him well over the next two years as we labor together.  We want you to know that we will love and watch over him while he is in our care. Please feel free to communicate with us at any time throughout your missionary’s service, with any concerns that you may have.                                                                                   

Most sincerely, 
President David L. Cook                 Sister Kathleen Cook 

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