Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Week 2

So technically we just finished our second week here at the CCM.  Which is pretty crazy! I can't believe that we have already been here for 2 weeks! It doesn't seem like that long at all! So where to begin....
Well, one thing that I forgot to mention is that the CCM is more like a Church campus! Let me explain.. We have the classroom buildings, and the living quarters for whoever will fit. But right near it we have a church building where we hold Sacrament meeting and stuff. But right near it, the Santiago temple is on the "campus" and we pass by it every day. It is super small, like the size of our ward building at home. BUT it is super cool to be around it every day! We had the chance to go through it this week and it was super spiritual! I did get to use a headset because my spanish isn't quite all there yet.. I'll try and send a picture if i have time.
The teaching is super awesome, and hard sometimes. My districts classroom is in the basement of the teaching facility, which is nice because we are right near the cafeteria, but that also means we have no windows for 8 or 9 hours a day depending on the schedule.  Which is super tough but worth it i guess.  As a companionship, me and Elder Lund teach 3 "investigators." We have a morning, afternoon, and night teacher, and all three of them pick one of their favorite investigators from their own mission and have us practice teaching them! Which is a really cool experience! (So far we have 2 committed to baptism and going to church regularly).
I'm having a blast down here.  The people are amazing! When we went to get my comp's hair cut last week, we met a lady who had been baptized and went inactive because her husband wasn't a member of the church.  My comp and I were able to get her information and pass it off to the missionaries in the field, so hopefully we'll be able to hear from the missionaries that they were able to help her and her family.
Since the first two weeks are now over, a group has just left, and all of our Latino friends are in the mission by now.  It was rough saying goodbye, but they are all going to be fantastic missionaries.  A new group is coming in today, but they aren't as big so hopefully we'll be able to have more room.
I wish I had more time, but I don't.  Give my best to everyone! I am glad that they are all doing so well, even though it's a hard adjustment on both ends! We are the first to write today, and we got here late, so I don't have much time.  I wish everyone is well, and i loved hearing from everyone!
Much Love!
Elder Burt

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