Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I don't know what week it is!

Crazy week this week, a lot is happening!
So when it became the end of the 4th week and into the 5th, we began to change teachers because it was time to start learning in all Spanish all the time.  But luckily we got to keep the same teachers and get 2 new ones to teach along side them who only speak Spanish, which is a challenge but great practice! We were all really excited because we love the teachers that we had and we've had them the whole time we've been in the CCM.
But I got a huge change this week and it's pretty crazy! When the last group left a week ago, so did the Zone Leader for the CCM, so it was time to call new ones. Usually they have Latinos be the Zone Leaders because their Spanish is really good. But that changed this week. President of the CCM stopped me and of course I started thinking crap, what did I do..? But he told me that I was changing companions because my comp has been called as a Zone Leader! That was pretty crazy not going to lie.
My new comp, unfortunately for only 2 weeks, is Elder Jaeger. He is a really cool guy and we get along great! We have a bunch in common and our Spanish is about on the same level, so teaching with him is really easy because we both know a lot and it is easy to talk side by side when we have the same level of Spanish, so it was a really good change!
Yesterday my whole district spoke all Spanish all the time and it was rough! By the end of the day my head was spinning crazy! It helped a lot though and we are doing that from now on! My Spanish is coming along great! I can express myself relatively okay, and it's getting better, but also harder. Yesterday we started learning the Subjunctive tense, which is probably one of the hardest subjects I've had to learn, and it will only get harder, but with time it will come. AND I still can't roll my r sounds, but it's all good because everyone is going to know I am a Gringo anyway, so what's another thing? Haha just kidding.
But we only have one week left, we are almost done, and then it's out to the field. This week we are going out and teaching with the missionaries in the field, so that will be interesting.  Also, I'm not sure how my transfer into the field next week will go, so I don't know if I will get a chance to email you all next week, but I will try my best!

 Braden's District~His companion is on the far left

 All the missionaries living at Alcantara

All the missionaries at the CCM

Bus ride to the CCM
(photo credit to Elder Jaeger)

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