Monday, October 28, 2013

This is crazy and this place is amazing! This is country is so beautiful! I fell in love with the people from the first minute I got here!
The plane ride was mucho largo! It took FOREVER to get here I did not sleep very much! (The keyboard is very weird here so sorry if this reads a little bit weird!) But when the sun came up we all got to look out of the plane window and see the sun rising over the Andes! I will send pictures next week because i forgot my chord at Alcantara! But you don't know where that is yet.
Anyway we got on a bus to El CCM, which is the spanish version of the MTC. And a few of us had to put our stuff into a different bus... Weird, right? NO not weird! My district, which is 3 sets of Elders and 2 Hermanas, got to the MTC in a different bus and started to unpack our stuff. Then one of the Hermanos, (they are the teachers at the CCM) told us to stop! He said you guys will be living in Alcantara. We all looked at each other like, what? Anyway, we rode in one of the Hermanos cars for a few minutes and got to a beautiful house! I mean, like gorgeous house, a classic looking Latino house.  And we unload from the bus and see a missionary couple who start to tell us why we are staying here instead of on the CCM ground. Apparently, once North Americans started to come to the CCM, the living quarters got so full that they had to start having other Elders and Hermanas stay in the couple missionaries house.  And it is so pretty, seriously.  i love it, it takes extra time but it is so cool to live in a place like that. Anyway, we unpacked and got on the bus back to the CCM.  Once we got there everyone went into the chapel and had an introduction.  The CCM President then gave us our companions and districts. 
My companion's name in Elder Lund. He is from California and has only been a member for a year and a half! He is a great guy and we get along very well!  But we are the power duo in our district, at least in my opinion.  He is our district leader and just super spiritual! His spanish is very good, and he is really helping me in the language! Everyone else in our district is great too! They all want to be here for the right reasons, and you can just sense the spirit that we all bring to the table.
My spanish is coming along very well actually.  I'm very surprised by how much I'm remembering and how well i can communicate with the Latins! They are all so friendly too! They love talking to us just as much as we love talking to them.  They are very helpful and I'm learning so much from everyone.  I can carry on conversations pretty well now, and whenever I lose myself in the language and don't know what they are talking about, they help me right out! And everyone LOVES soccer! I'll be able to kick Brandon's butt in soccer by the time I leave the MTC!  HAHA but they are all great! I love everyone and there aren't too many weird people here... Just kidding everyone is fantastic! They all love the North Americans and the are all so friendly!
The days are really hard, but they are so worth it.  The first two days we all were only running on about 7ish hours of sleep, but we learned so much! Haha but i have this one teacher named Hermano Ruitor who is probably one of the coolest guys i have ever met! He is from Santiago and teaches whenever he does not have to go to college classes.  He is the man! The computer won't let me space any more so I guess i get to finish in this paragraph... Mom, I am very safe! I am having a blast! I wish I had time to email everyone back, but no tengo tiempo.  This place is wonderful and there is such a spirit here that i have never felt anywhere else! It is amazing and I am having the time of my life here!  I hope everyone is doing well! Mom, if you want to send this out to other people, go right ahead.  You may want to edit my notes and stuff, but go right ahead! This is such an awesome opportunity to be here in the CCM in Chile because i am learning so much about the language and the spirit and the gospel! I hope to hear from you soon! P Days vary from either Monday and Tuesday at different times of the day, so i am not sure when the next time i will be able to email, but for sure either Monday or Tuesday! I love you all, and I am having an amazing time! I LOVE YOU GUYS! And i miss you all too! I will write you again ASAP! CHOW!

Braden and Elder Lund

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