Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Hey Guys! 
I hope everyone is doing well, 
and all is going good with this new year!

This last week has been pretty great! I am still loving this new ward! Actually it was really awesome this past week because on Thursday we were contacting and found this really young mom who went to an Open House at our chapel and had talked to missionaries from the other ward and was super excited to hear from us! The reference just hadn't gotten to us, so we just found her while knocking on doors. It was really cool! Her name is Faviola and she is really awesome!

We saw that it is really cool how the Spirit works. This week it was really cool because we had two different people tell us that they had called us on their "Mind Telephones" so that we came to their house, really hoping that we would show up and help them with their problems. The funny thing is, we had already planned to go over there the night before. So it really was cool to see how the Spirit told us to over to their houses the day before, and we showed up and the same time.

And then today we went to the Temple for P Day and that was really awesome! There is so much peace there and I really enjoyed going back, it had been a while since I had been. Too long actually.

But here we go, I have good pictures this week.

This is a picture of me and my comp New Year's Eve. Those are some stylish glasses.

The next one is a GREAT Big Mac meal from McDonald's I had today. 
It was really good.

And the last one is a pic of Me and Elder Virga in front of the temple today.

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