Wednesday, January 28, 2015


I'm glad there is finally snow, but I hope you guys aren't tooooo swamped.... I MISS THE SNOW! WHA hahaha.

Well changes were this past week. Nothing too crazy happened, only changes. These changes were really sad because there weren't that many in the zone, but those that there were were really good friends of mine. Elder Virga and I are still together. So that's really awesome! But Elder Stokes from our ward left and went to another zone so that's sad. But that's how the mission is.

Yeah so like I said, nothing too crazy happened this week. We have had to stop passing and teaching a lot of people that we used to have because they stopped progressing. So we've been having a lot of contacts! A lot! We have talked to a lot of people! It's so nuts because there are always just people, and we'll never talk to them all, but they all know who we are enough to say no. The contacts aren't going too well, we haven't really found anyone new, but we're still trying.

Since nothing happened I'll just share a few thoughts. This week I was asked by the bishop to speak in church about faith. I liked preparing for it because I was able to learn a lot! It was interesting to find out how closely related faith is to action. In James 2 we read that "Faith without works is dead in itself." Which is an interesting point because we can't say that we have faith unless we try to live our lives in accordance to what Christ taught while he was here on earth. So how do we demonstrate our faith? We 1) Pray 2) Read the scriptures and 3) go to church to learn of Christ and God to try to more fully live their commandments.
Just the few thoughts that I had. So Everyone, do those 3 simple things with real intent and Heavenly Father will bless you, I promise!

Well for pictures. It was my comp's trainer's birthday today so we went to Wendy's downtown, but Wendy's was closed, so we went to Denny's and it was sooooo good!

And I ran out of time, so I couldn't send anymore pics. I'll send them next week!
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