Wednesday, January 21, 2015


It's P Day, and there isn't too much excitement. We were supposed to have an asado, but that's still kind of up in the air. We might have it when more in the afternoon, but we're not really sure. 

Well, this week has been kind of interesting. Especially Saturday and Sunday. 

Saturday all the missionaries in the Zone went to the stake center and met with a bunch of members over there. The point was to take our leaders out to do just contacts so that they could see what it was really like to be a missionary. Well, we got there and only had two guys from our ward, so the other companionship took them to go do contacts. Elder Virga and I recruited 3 young men to go with us. So I took a 16 and a 14 year old to go do contacts. It was kind of funny because they were so shy to talk to people. So I did all the contacts. The best was when we talked to this one guy, I walked away because we finished, and the 16 year old just handed him a 
Book of Mormon and walked away hahaha. 
He didn't say anything to him hahaha. So I showed them how to do it so that the other person understood what they were getting.

Then on Sunday, we had our Capilla Abierta (Open Chapel or Open House) which is a program that was started in Argentina where the church is open from 5 to 9 at night and lets people walk in a get to know what we teach and what we do in the church. It was really fun! I got to participate, but mostly I was outside trying to contact people and bring them into the church so that they could see and learn. We got a lot of references to go see people in their homes and teach them more about what they saw there. So it was really cool!

So, the pictures. I've got two. The first is a HUUUGE spider we found in the house behind the couch. It was nuts.

The second is a picture of my bag. You can tell which shoulder my bag is always on haha.

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