Thursday, December 4, 2014

This week was pretty interesting. We had a lot of running around.

This Saturday was really weird because it rained. And we had had weather of about 80ish degrees and then it went straight to 40ish with rain. And when we all thought it would rain again on sunday, it didn't and it was back to 80 degrees. So that was weird, it doesnt usually do that here in Santiago.

We also had an awesome activity in our chapel. The other ward that uses our chapel got to have an "Open House" in the chapel where the mission comes and sets up a lot of stuff and they give a tour of the chapel and what we do there. So our District went there and cleaned the whole chapel and outside of it. So I mopped the Whole chapel. And then it rained and I saw the nice clean floors destroyed. But it was alright because there were a lot of people who were excited about the church and who asked to have the missionaries over to meet with them.

Monday was really cool! We found a new investigator, her name is Maritza. Her dad used to drink a lot, but 2 missionaries helped him quit a long time ago, so she was super open to talking to us. And then after that, we went to help a less active family decorate their Christmas Tree. So that was fun! I didn't get the pictures from that yet, so I'll try to send them next week.

And then yesterday morning we had to go get my comp's Chilean ID, which was my 3rd time going. And it took AAAALLLLLL morning. It was terrible, we were in the center of Santiago from 8 to 3, and he didn't even get it done, which means we had to go back there today, on P Day, which stunk but whatever. Now it's all done. 

Things are going pretty good in the area. The new apartment is great, I live with our district leader, so that's fun! We only taught 14 lessons this week, so we walked around a LOT this week. Sunscreen, I use it when I know I'll be in the sun all day. But the sun doesn't get to me here. 

I hope everyone at home is all good and doing well!

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