Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Well this has been an interesting week. It had a lot of ups and downs, but mostly just one big up and one big down. The big up was that we had a killer week and taught a lot of people and killed it! In that sense it was a great week, one of the best we have had in a long time here in Covarrubias.

The big down was that I got really sick. I got a throat infection sometime in the last little while and didn't notice it. And so Friday afternoon during one of our lessons, I got the chills really bad and just started shaking uncontrollably. So we finished up that lesson and I went home and then I didn't leave for 2 days, and I only left Monday when I could go to get my antibiotics and then just went back in Monday afternoon. Then yesterday I only worked half of the day. But now I'm all good, I feel fine, just a little bit tired. I got cleared to work and everything.

Other than that, it was a good week. We had a Zone Conference this past week with President, and it was super good. He talked a lot about the faith and how to use it in the work and how to use it to help us. I learned a lot!

But really the rest of the time this week I spent in the house. My head hurt too much to be able to read and study the little letters in the books, so I watched a lot of teaching movies that we have there in the house. So I watched the Testaments, which I realized a lot about it when I did. It isn't perfect, it's actually kind of old but the significance is still the same. My favorite part is when Helam is blind right before the end, and Jesus calls to him. The emotion on his face is incredible, and it makes me think of what I will do at the end when it's time to meet Christ and God. So if you haven't seen the movie, watch it!

But since I stayed in the house all week, I don't have any pictures. Nada, nothing. Sorry about that, but it's now reaaaally my fault haha!

Alright well I will answer your questions in the order that corresponds.

1.What is your daily routine like?

 We wake up at 7:30 (well I try to get up at 7 every day) and then we have to be out of the house at 1 since I'm training, usually it's 11:30. And then we eat lunch for an hour and work until 10.

2.  Do you exercise?

We have time for excercises, and I have been doing much better. I usually just do pushups and situps, but since I got sick on friday I haven't done them since then.

3.  Do you walk everywhere?

 We walk everywhere. My shoes are actually wearing down fast, but they still have a lot of time left in them. We walk to the store, in between lessons and everywhere. The only time we take a bus is when we have to go more than a 45 minute's walk, so basically outside of the zone.

4.  Do you feel safe where you live?

 We don't live in thaat ghetto of an area. Everyone knows us and they don't bug us. I feel completely safe.

5.  Do the members feed you well?

 The member's feed us fine. I never go hungry.

6.  How many discussions do you teach in an average week?

 We usually teach about 13 to 15 lessons a week. It is really low, but those have always been the usual numbers in the sector. I'm in a reaaaally hard sector, and I have been for about 9 months haha.

7.  If you aren't teaching a lot, what do you do?

When we aren't teaching, we are usually walking and trying to talk to people or doing contacts. Nothing more really.

*Since he didn't take pictures, I was looking through the computers and found some that I honestly don't know how I got!

I am guessing that I have had these for a while, as most of them are with his first companion Elder Bezzerra!

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