Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Well, now we are in the 4th week of the change here, which means I might only have 2 weeks left here. Maybe. Ya never know because this is my 6th change here, which means I've got almost 9 months here, so I've been here for a while. But I'm not too tired of the sector, so Elder Groen and I are still working hard. 

It has been a pretty good week. We had Stake Conference this past Saturday and Sunday, so that took a little bit of time out of our work schedule, plus we had the stake choir practices, which also took some time but it was worth it. The choir was a real success, our director did a good job! It was a really good conference too.  I learned a lot!

Other than that, not a whole lot happened. We had a really good lesson with one of our investigators, Francisco. I'm pretty sure I have written about him before. But just to remind you all, he was the kid that when we first found him, he didn't even know who God nor Christ are, and he didn't know anything about the religion really. Well we had a lesson about finding answers through the Spirit. We asked all these questions about things he had learned and what we had taught him, and he knew just about everything. So we asked him if he believed in what we had taught him, and he said yes! And we told him that was his answer. He was so astonished! It was awesome!

But this first picture we found on the side of the road. It's just this metal statue of a random fisherman. We thought it was pretty hilarious!

And then the second one, we found super cheap jerseys. That's Elder Purnell on the left, and then Groen in the middle, and then me rocking the new Alexis Sanchez jersey!

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