Wednesday, October 8, 2014


I had a really good week this past week! I really enjoyed conference, but I had to watch it in spanish this time and so I didn't get a lot out of it. The translators talk SOO fast, even faster than the chileans down here so it was super hard for me to understand, especially when their words don't match the movement of the speaker's lips, so it was a little bit difficult for me to understand everything, but I'm going to download the talks in English and listen to them just so I can make sure I understood all of it! But from what I got, my favorite talks were Richard G. Scott's and Uchtdorf's "Is it I, Lord?" Those were incredible!

But because of Conference, we didn't have a whole ton of time Saturday and Sunday to work. Especially because the four of us here in the ward were asked to be in the Stake Choir because our performance in Ward Conference was so good, but we all know they just wanted to get Elder Groen into the Stake Choir because he can actually sing haha. 

But something I did start this week was super awesome! So along with reading the Book of Mormon as a mission, I'm getting up earlier and I started to study the New Testament in the Bible and it is incredible the stuff that you can learn in there. The life of Christ is just incredible. He is such an example to each and every one of us, and by learning of him and trying to align our lives with his will help us SO much! It's really incredible how many blessing we are able to have in our lives through trying to be more like Christ.

Well so the first picture is one of Elder Hoose. We were in the same ward the second change of my training and we got to be super good friends, and now he is here in Gran Avenida as my Zone Leader! I'm super pumped, but we got a nice black and white pic while we were messing around last P Day.

We went bowling today again, and here is the four of us here in the ward. It's me, Elder Mellado from Chile, Elder Groen and then Elder Purnell from Canada.

And then this is one of my best friends. Elder Marshell, he just happened to be there when we went bowling and it was awesome to see him!

Have a great week!

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