Wednesday, October 29, 2014


So I hit one year this past week. I can't believe it's been passing so fast. So I went to a less active member's house and we had a lesson and then I finished we had a fun little tradition. Haha, the tradition, at least in our mission is to go and burn a shirt when you finish your first year in the mission! So that's what I did, I'll send a picture after.

But with that, we had a pretty good week! After being sick the week before, Elder Groen and I were ready to get out and get going! We finished up having a pretty awesome week! It was great! We were able to teach a lot of lessons and it seems like this week will be even better!

At the end of this week we find out changes. And since I've been here about 9 months now, I think i will probably be going. It's kind of a bummer, because I've been here for a long time and now me and all the members are great friends and I'll miss a lot of the people I work with, I think it will be good to go and see a new part, that is IF I leave. Everyone likes to mess with me and tell me that Elder Groen is going and that I'm staying. We'll see.

So these pictures that I got were of my shirt that I burned. I took a video but that's take a little bit more time to upload. But the other is with Elder Mellado, he only has 2 more weeks on the mission than me, so we burned our shirts together!

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