Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Hey guys! Its been a pretty good week! Super busy, I almost haven't had any time to think. This week was the first week that I "led the sector." Which really means that it is the first week that I have had to make all the dicisions, because Elder Tafur still doesn't know everyone or anything about the sector. It's a little bit better now, just because he knows people and can help me plan the days and stuff. And I've had a cold all week, so that was pretty interesting. But I'm glad to say that I didn't need to stay in the house at all due to my cold, which was good because now I'm over it.

But it's okay. We had a really good week. For now, Elder Tafur and I haven't had any problems, and we are working really well together. This week we worked like crazy and I'm pretty tired still, but we'll just keep going. But I've got some good reports this week!

I don't remember if I have written at all about Bayron. Bayron is 18, almost 19 and we have been meeting with him for about 2 weeks. Long story short, his mom is an active member and really wants him to join the church. He on the other hand is a lot harder than that and isn't so sure. 2 weeks ago he said he will get baptized when he is ready and not a week earlier. Well, with Pineyro we went to see him the night before he left, and he has been having a really hard time. Especially with his mom. They argue a lot now.
But then last monday with Elder Tafur, his first day, we went to visit him kind of out of nowhere, it wasn't really planned but I thought Elder Tafur should know him. So we go, and he just starts telling us what happened. Sunday night he couldn't sleep. He was up praying and reading and talking to his mom all night. He told us that he has been converted and wants to be baptized and then serve a mission as soon as possible. So we were kind of in shock, and basically every time we have gone back this week, he basically teaches us the lessons. Haha, so that was pretty exciting! And now because of him, and the hapiness he is finding in his life, his uncle is now listening to us too!

Other than that, we saw Ivet and Sergio this week. They are still doing good, but we are trying to get them back to church with us. Oscar keeps progressing. He is starting to leave with us to go teach lessons becuase He wants to help people like him who went inactive and are strugling, SO that's also pretty cool!

And I've also got some bad news, I didn't take any pictures this week. I didn't even think about it until today on my way to the internet cafe and thought, "shoot, mom's going to get maaaad!" So mom, don't get too mad, I'll send more than usually next week! Hahaha

But that was my week, I hope everything is good at home! Love you guys!

Monday, May 19, 2014


Well, we had changes this past week, and I´m glad to say that I am here to stay in this sector. It was sad when Piñeyro had to leave, but that´s part of the mission. And he is still in my zone, just 2 sectors over, so I´ll still see him every week at least once. 

Now, I am with Elder Tafur, from Colombia. He is super good. I am his Greeny-breaker, so that will be fun! He is a good guy and says he likes to work hard, but I´m just getting to know him, so we´ll see how it goes. From what I know he is a convert from when he was 10 years old, and he seems pretty dedicated to the work, so wish us luck.

This week was a pretty good week, we were able to teach a lot of lessons and get a lot of work done. This has been one of the best weeks on my mission, speaking of lessons at least. 

Other than teaching lessons, we didn't have too much of an exciting week, but   I've got a recommendation and suggestion for everyone. There is a really good video on youtube that we have been using to teach. It´s called "The Atonement and Missionary Work". It´s super good and it has my recommendation. It is a combination of Elder Eyring and Elder Holland talking about the work and stuff. It talks about how the atonement can guide us in missionary work, but I think it explains a lot about just being a person in the church, or a person at all. 

The first picture is me with my new companion. He seems like a good guy, I like him a lot.

This is me and Piñeyro with Oscar and his brother Andres. Oscar (The one in the back) is almost reactivated, and his brother is starting to listen to us a little bit at a time.

The third is Juan and Asuncion, they are two investigators who we have. They are a bit more difficult, and work on Sundays, but we are working with them.

Have a great week!

Monday, May 12, 2014

So hey everybody. Here's my weekly letter... But not too much happened this week, only the fact that I skyped my family, which was great! I miss everybody a lot, but I've also come to love being down here. I do miss everyone though, and skyping made me miss everyone even more. 

But other than that not too much happened this week, but we did have a few really good things happen. After I finished skyping my family, we went and visited Ivet, Sergio and Mateo. It's funny where they moved because they live in a apartment complex where 3 or 4 members with their age live, so we brought a couple with about their same age to go visit them, just to meet them. It went really good! The hope now is that they will see each other around and say hi to each other and greet each other and stuff, to keep building the relationship and stuff.

We also had a really good Family Home Evening this week. We have them at least once a week in this ward, and they are really called Noche de Hermanamientos, which means something weird in English, so I'll just call it FHE. We all planned it together, and we used the idea we had heard of before to give everyone a candy or something like that, but someone has to do 10 push ups for everyone who takes a candy, and 10 push ups for those who don't take a candy. Basically it explains the Atonement of Jesus Christ, that whether or not we accept him, he paid for our sins. It was really good, and a lot of people were crying because it was so powerful! Super good!

Well, next Monday are changes, and I'm hoping I'm not leaving, but we'll see. Next time you hear from me I'll either be in a new sector or have a new comp. Probably, but we'll see.

So it's actually pretty funny, because the Jehovah's Witnesses came around our street, so we hid and pretended like we weren't home hahahaha.

The second picture is of the familia Meza. They are like our family in this ward, and I skyped at their house this week and just realized that I didn't introduce them to the family.

And then the third is my Pool team for today, which is what we did for P Day, so that was pretty fun. And it was a pretty good picture too!

Have a great week!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Not too much happened this week that was too exciting. We had a really slow week, but we still worked really hard and did a lot of walking.

One of the greatest things that happened was we finally got into Ivet's house. We tried last Monday, and they weren't there. We passed by every day at 7 and then finally on Thursday they were home! We got there and it was just Ivet and Mateus, so we sat at the door and talked to her. Their story is really incredible! When I first met them, they had lost everything. But then when they started talking to us in my last sector, their lives started to really turn around! They both found really good jobs, are now back on their feet and living in their own apartment. After a little bit, Sergio got home from his job and we sat down and talked with them for a while. They are really progressing! They are both reading the Book of Mormon together and praying really hard! We are really excited with their progress and we just started to meet with them! 

Another really awesome thing that happened this week was on Sunday. We have been working really hard with a less active member named Oscar. He comes from a really good family, but got mixed up in some stuff he shouldn't and was inactive for a long time. But when I got here, he really started to turn his life around and is now attending church regularly. He is now done with all that, and only lacks giving up the cigarettes. But on Sunday he got up and bore his testimony about how much we helped him and how much God has been there for him. It was pretty awesome!

That was our week, and I only took one picture, so here it is...

Someone lent us a Janga set... It was pretty awesome!