Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Better Weather!

This week has been going really well! We've finally been having a little bit of cool weather and rain this last week and it has been great! We've been walking around without any heat and the weather has been perfect! We've been enjoying it a lot. It definitely makes walking in the streets a little bit more comfortable.

But other than the weather, we've been having a really good time in the sector. Elder Ahlstrom and I get along really well and we have been having a lot of success together and I really like it. We teach really well together and I like working with him. We've been teaching a lot of people, especially new people. 

We've been working a lot with a guy named Claudio. He's had a lot of problems in his life and he is trying to overcome them. We're trying to help him in that. It's really cool to see how much the Gospel of Christ can help other people and make a difference in their lives. I know it has made a difference in my life. Especially being out here. The gospel is awesome because it is the medication for any kind of spiritual disease or sickness. And the cool thing is that it works 100% of the time. That's the coolest thing of being here is seeing it happen in my life and in the lives of others.

Anyway, cool pics this week. The first one is really awesome! Elder Groen, who I trained, is now training! Which means I have a grand kid! hahahaha. But really. Groen is training and I'm super happy that he's doing so well in his mission. His name is Elder Jones!

The next is a little sad. All my agendas.... There are a lot.

And the last is a weird shack that we have in the back of our house. I don't know where it came from or why it's there. It just is.

Oh and I forgot to say one more thing. My district won a contest in the mission to re name a program. And the winner won a Bar-B-Que with President in his house. Mom, if you're friends with him on facebook you'll see the picture. It was really awesome! That's why I was so late getting on haha. But we had hamburgers and everything is was soooooo cool! But that's it. 

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