Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Well we just ended the change. It went really fast. I'm sad to say that I stayed in Pedro Aguirre Cerda and Elder Virga left. That makes me really sad. We got along really well. He is a great kid. I stayed here in PAC and my new comp is Elder Ahlstrom. He is from the Utah. We got to Chile on the same plane. He is actually the first Elder that I talked to in the airport in Georgia before making the flight to Santiago. So that's really cool. I don't know him that well, but I'm sure we'll get along. He's a good kid.

So I'm staying here in Pedro Aguirre Cerda. I'm happy because I like this ward. Although, I only have 5 changes left, or transfer cycles or however they're known, which means about 7 and a half months. So, I'm not really sure how much longer I will be here for. We'll see in 6 more weeks.  Elder Kemp, who was only here for one change with Elder Paz, also left and Elder Paz is going to be training to finish the mision. How crazy! He's super excited. I'll send a picture of the four of us next week.

Anyway, this week was pretty good. Not too much to report. It has been reaaally hot these past few days. We have been dying down here. Haha it's killing us. But we're sticking to it. We're not of the work train yet. Vacations are officially over so that's nice because now everyone is back in town and we can start teaching all of our people. We'll just see how much longer they stay around. 

But other than that, everything is good. Here's a picture of me and Elder Ahlstrom.

Here's Elder Virga and I just before he left.

There's Elder Paz and Elder Kemp.

AAAAAnd today was sick! We got permision from Pres to go and play Paintball. SOO a few of us went and played paintball! HAHA it was sooo fun!

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